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Category: Baby Names

Asked by court2005

Q: Which one do you like?? Need help or maybe more name suggestions?

i have two girl names picked out and two boy names picked out. I find out this month, june 20th, the gender of the baby. I was wondering if anyone was able to help me decide on a name? Or have any more suggestions for boy and girl names than what i have already? Anything is welcome! Thank you!! :) oh the names are also listed on my profile under baby tracker. Baby names.
girl names:
Daylana Marie
Isabella Grace

boy names:
Mason Daniel
Treydon James

This question was asked Jun. 11, 2013 12:55am
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by lovinglife0916 - Jun. 29, 2013 2:33am
Lol I like Isabella Grace, and James Mason.

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Answered by hopefullll - Jun. 12, 2013 8:43pm
Isabella is very nice:) Mason is nice too. I like unique names but not names that are too unique so for that reason Daylana is not my fav but perhaps if I heard it a bit more it would grow on me. I know a little girl with the name Daylyn and I love that name. Treydon sounds like Treyvon, the young boy who was murdered in Florida so I think that's why I'm leaning away from that one. I give you props for posting the names of here though, I have a few of my own but I'm afraid too many comments or opinions on them will sway my opinion so I'm keepin' them a secret lol!

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Answered by hopefulat40 - Jun. 12, 2013 5:40pm
Those are all beautiful and unique names!!

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Answered by essemkay - Jun. 12, 2013 2:15pm
I have never heard of Daylana before, it doesn't rock my socks - though I like the Lana part. The others are very popular right now, but if you're okay with that, then they're all good names.

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Answered by chrysalisjade - Jun. 12, 2013 6:58am
Mason and Isabella in my opinion.

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Answered by TrulyBlessed101 - Jun. 12, 2013 1:30am
Hi. I think it depends on if you are looking for a popular name, or something a little more unique. Isabella Grace are both very popular names right now. Daylanna Marie is a little more unique. Congrats on your little one!

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Answered by poet80* - Jun. 12, 2013 12:20am
i really love daylana marie and treydon james. for me, i had picked out landon james, eion cole, and adrian bryan after both of my dads. but i ended up picking adian glen. derived from adrian and my husbands middle name. for girls i had annaliese and areyana nicole. but i ended up with aliese neveya. so now for me i have a girl and 2 boys. i wish you luck and congratulations girl.

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Answered by bdawn8403 - Jun. 11, 2013 3:43pm
Honestly, none. But I'm not a fan of common names and I have an issue with names reminding me of people I know and didn't like or the name making me think of something not so pleasant :(

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Answered by aiobaby - Jun. 11, 2013 3:07pm
I really like Isabella Grace and Mason Daniel. :)))

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