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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by little-pea

Q: is it better to get a trans-vaginal ultrasound for a dating scan and what happens if you dont get it

feel really uncomfortable with a trans-vaginal ultrasound.

This question was asked Jun. 19, 2013 2:50pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by BenjaminsMommy2012 - Jun. 22, 2013 8:36pm
At Madigan Army hospital, it is very common to get a ultrasound at your 10 week checkup. Mine was transabdominal because I have had a baby before so my uterus was out of my pevis a bit already. I had one (trans-vaginal) with my first though. The pressure was abit uncomfortable. At least I didn't need a full bladder. It will bem idly uncomfortable because they put the camera up here (the nurses in OB jokingly call it the dildo cam lol). shouldn't hurt though. Some OBs do the early u/s routinely others onlydo it if there I bleeding or if yu are unsure of your last period.

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Answered by Petrinka - Jun. 20, 2013 3:51pm
I have a shy bladder (I promise this relates). I have a very hard time going to the bathroom in public restrooms. When I was told that I would be getting a trans-vaginal ultrasound during my first pregnancy I bawked. I was waaay too self-concious for that. The doctor talked me into it by using all of the reasons mentioned in other comments. It truly isn't as bad as it seems. Once the little black screen starts lightening, you will be asking a whole bunch of questions and forget all about what's going on down below.

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Answered by Mommy2Be~ - Jun. 20, 2013 5:06am
I know it sounds scary or uncomfortable but its really not. You have a gown on & most drs, nurses, or techs give you something to cover yourself with. Its a slim wand & they put a condom over it with lots of lub. Just slide it in & the dr takes it from there. Besides, once you see your precious baby on the screen. The "uncomfortable" feeling goes out the window.

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Answered by jackieO - Jun. 19, 2013 10:10pm
Its really not bad at all. It will give you a better look at your baby and is totally safe.

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Answered by HasntSunkIn - Jun. 19, 2013 7:12pm
I didn't have the option for a trans-vaginal ultrasound. We had a traditional one and at 6 weeks we were able to see baby and hear heartbeat. If the option had been available to me I would have taken it, and maybe not have looked forward to it :)

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Answered by lyssa787 - Jun. 19, 2013 6:35pm
My doctor tends to be on the conservative side, and does not do trans vag ultrasounds unless there are already complications. He waits to see mom's at 10 weeks, and then dates from there. The dates really aren't that critical and can be changed according to what he sees at 10 weeks, and then again at 15, and by then dates should be correct at 20w scan. From what i've seen, there isn't much you can do but abort if you DO see a problem that early on, and he prefers women to have miscarriages naturally rather than taking a pill to cause them. So I guess I'm with the other ladies, that it's not that big of a deal, but if you're still uncomfortable with it, you might as well wait :) We still got to see the heart beat at 10 weeks :)

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Answered by kelliers - Jun. 19, 2013 6:06pm
It's no more different than a pap and you will get way better pictures that you will cherish. . With the trans you can also hear the heartbeat at that point versus waiting till after twelve weeks.

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Answered by stephpan - Jun. 19, 2013 4:47pm
I agree with the other ladies - and also it really isn't that bad. The technician usually gives you the wand to insert and uses a lot of gel with it. It also isn't that big.

Sometimes the scan can be uncomfortable (especially if they really want to look at your ovaries), but overall it isn't anymore invasive that a regular GYN exam and you have a little more privacy in that the tech isn't looking directly at your intimate parts.

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Answered by Carenda1219 - Jun. 19, 2013 3:24pm
i know the thought of it may be kind of uncomfortable, but it is for the best in the long run. The trans vag ultrasound is the best way to get a more accurate way to get a more date on the age of the baby because like essemkay is right, it is to early to tell before a certain time. Before you decide to just not do anything think of it this way....if you bypass the first ultrasound then if there is anything wrong early on in your pregnancy that may or may not cause you complication or loss of pregnancy they wont be able to catch it in time. The trans vag is not just to date pregnancy, it is to look for anything abnormal.

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Answered by essemkay - Jun. 19, 2013 2:53pm
How far along are you? Typically before 8-10 weeks, baby is simply too small to visualize accurately for an abdominal scan.

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