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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by ktk157

Q: What cribs would you recommend for a sidecar co-sleeper?

Hello all,

I did do co sleeping with my daughter, but more just the crib in my room style until she was over a year. With this coming baby, I've discovered the sidecar sleepers and I LOVE the idea. It will be a heck of a lot easier for those late night breastfeeding sessions if I just have to reach over and not actually get out of bed. I do however want a full size crib that I can just convert into a sidecar until I'm ready to move baby out of our room. Have any of you ladies done this? Do you have recommendations for crib types or brands?

This question was asked Jul. 30, 2013 10:25pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by jkim80 - Aug. 16, 2013 11:19pm
and baby cannot sink into them so no suffocation hazard. There many resources, blogs and vidoes online with tips and tricks here are some links to get you started


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Answered by jkim80 - Aug. 16, 2013 11:13pm
Just look for a model that is convertible to a toddler bed or day bed since they are designed to have the long side(s) removed and still be stable and safe, you also want to make sure that the mattress can be set to different heights (though I think that is pretty standard now). The hardest part is securely anchoring the crib to your bed & no gap accidentally appears between the crib & your mattress and ensuring that the crib & bed to which it is attached are at the same height or at least within 1cm or so with the crib mattress being higher preferably. If you need to raise the mattress use folded up blankets or towels under the crib mattress to lift it up. Often there is a gap between the crib & your mattress so you slide the crib mattress over so that the gap is between the crib matt & side of crib away from your mattress, then fill space up the level with mattress with something firm like a pool noodle or bricks of flower arranging foam, they are sizable and baby

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Answered by jkim80 - Aug. 16, 2013 11:20pm
and baby cannot sink into them so no suffocation hazard. There many resources, blogs and videos online with tips and tricks here are some links to get you started


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