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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by Bostonmama08

Q: Pregnancy Journal...recommendations? Hard copy or an online scrapbook?

I did a pregnancy journal with my son 11 years ago....and it's really sweet to look back on and read. I've been hesitant with this pregnancy because of my SCH, but seeing I am almost 14 weeks with a continuous strong heartbeat (thank you Sonoline home fetal doppler!) and a growing belly, I feel more confident to start one.

Does anyone have a good pregnancy journal to recommend?? Or should I make my own on Shutterfly (or a similar site)?

This question was asked Sep. 2, 2013 2:10pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Sep. 2, 2013 6:21pm
I personally think a hard copy would be better. You know you won't lose it if your computer or the site you're using take a crap. You can carry it around with you too. I like to have tangible keepsakes for my kids. They each have a memory box with their baby books, hospital T-shirt, first outfit, first pacifier, and other such things in them. Occasionally, over the years, if they bring home something really special from school or if they have a special toy they outgrow, I'll put that in there too. You never know what technology will be like in 50 years but an actual book in your hands will never change. :-)

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