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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by PrayingforHH9mnths!

Q: Buying Baby Items

Hey ladies, I was just wondering when you all started buying baby items? I am 13+5 and there is the possibility I will be moving in a few months and I don't know if I will be having a shower or not. This is my 3rd baby and I know what all I will need but I am afraid if I start buying a few things here and there I am going to jinks how well things are going. Is that crazy?

This question was asked Sep. 29, 2013 10:35pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by kshives1027 - Sep. 30, 2013 1:57am
We started trading in our daughter's stuff at Toys R Us during their trade in event a couple of years ago for a discount on gender neutral big items (stroller, car seat, pack and play, etc...) We are having our second so we haven't registered for the big stuff, just small things and we have let our daughter pick out small things, like an outfit when we told her we were expecting. We bought the nursery stuff around 17 weeks. But if it is your first, I would hold off until after the shower and just see what you get. But we all know how hard it is to go through the baby dept. and not buy something so an outfit here and there is perfectly fine. Congratulations on your little one and making it out of the scary 1st trimester. :)

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Answered by Lou_85 - Sep. 30, 2013 9:38am
I'm 18 weeks and my partner wouldn't let me leave over a nursery 3 piece set a couple weeks ago, however, at the weekend there was a 20% sale on and he bought the gorgeous rocking crib I have been looking at for weeks. The shop is going to keep it and the mattress until we want to pick it up. We have just got sale agreed on a big house, so as soon as everything goes through we have to kit out a whole house. Going to be tough so I will start buying bits every couple weeks for our baby. we don't do baby showers in this country which would be a fab idea for us.

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Answered by kelliers - Sep. 29, 2013 11:09pm
I bought things here and there from the start if I found a great deal and it wasn't something I was registering for. My husband and I also started going to the consignment stores for maternity clothes early on and would peek at the baby stuff to see if there was anything awesome. We got a swimsuit for our little bub for next summer for $3. I started working on nursery stuff around 16 weeks. I think at some point it's healthy to accept that your baby is going to be a part of your family and to start preparing for that-certainly not bad luck, just you enjoying your pregnancy and getting ready for your new addition!

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Answered by Maybebaby - Sep. 30, 2013 2:37am
I bought all the big stuf before we even fell pregnant, I bought it earlie because we want to be as financially ready as possible, we already lost a baby and never got the chance to buy anything for my daughter, I would say buy the stuff when ur ready, I think if something bad is going to happen it will happen regardless of if u have bought a cot or not

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Sep. 29, 2013 11:02pm
I didn't start until after my 20th week.

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Answered by eag923 - Sep. 30, 2013 12:54am
I bought little things here & there holding off on the big ticket items until after the shower. I wanted to take inventory & use gift cards on expensive out of pocket items. I bought the car seat at 20 weeks bc I was able to get it 25% off. This time around I just need a few things bc we're having the same sex.

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