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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by jes119

Q: Hospital Bag for Extended Stay

A friend of mine is having her baby in the next few days at only 29 weeks (due to partially detached placenta.) Since this is her first and I know she hadn't prepared, I want to pack her a hospital bag for her and baby for the long stay she's about to have and I have to ship it from Florida to Ohio! What are a few things that helped some of you who may have had longer stays in the hospital?

This question was asked Oct. 4, 2013 3:14pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by jes119 - Oct. 4, 2013 3:14pm
-Besides the basics, please.

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Answered by Babyboy203 - Oct. 4, 2013 6:44pm
I would send her with her basics .maybe include some hard candies .socks ect. Baby will not be coming home for a few more weeks and mom should go before that .so I honestly would not put any baby items except for. Maybe a blanket and def put at least three good baby books .mom will spend 99. % of the time sitting outside of an incubator or at babys side in Nicu .so anything like books for her to read is good .maybe send her a baby book .it will give her something to do and be fun to do at home as well .buy a few preemie clothes and newborn .maube some diapers to pack outside of the bag .a few other things to include-a bag of change ,a coat or robe for mom, maybe a throw away camera ,I can't stress good reading material for her and some for baby enough .maybe get her a book about having a preemie baby ..its a journey .I will keeps both of them in my prayers

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