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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Jelly-Bean

Q: Insane appetite?!

I'm just over 4 weeks now and since yesterday I've had an insane appetite.
I'm trying to make healthy filling choices but I'm hungry all the time..
any comments or advice?

This question was asked Nov. 20, 2013 10:56am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by Angela18 - Nov. 21, 2013 3:55am
I hear ya as I have no will power when pregnant although doing better is 2nd trimester. But I am like possessed when pregnant and during 1st trimester gained like 18 pounds. My first child I gained 70 something. Do what you can to watch yourself for sure and make healthy choices but I get it. I started off at 116 at ovulation and I'm probably around 140 at 24 weeks. Good luck and hopefully your willpower is better than mine.

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Answered by Ohmomma01 - Nov. 20, 2013 9:54pm
Add a protein shake they will keep you full longer than fruits and veg.

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Answered by jakquistar - Nov. 20, 2013 8:06pm
I feel your pain! I am literally starving 10 or 15 minutes after I eat. I eat veggies and fruits all day though. No morning sickness luckily. I exercise a lot too (weight lifting and running) so my metabolism is crazy.

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Answered by bizzitch2180 - Nov. 20, 2013 4:45pm
I would eat if I were you. If you are only 4 weeks, morning sickness may set in soon and then you won't want to eat anything! Try to make the best choices you can though! Good luck.

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Answered by kelliers - Nov. 20, 2013 1:19pm
Try spreading out your intake over the course of the whole day so you aren't eating more calories but are eating more often. Focus on protein and fiber especially as these will make you feel full and avoid sugar and empty carbs and wasted calories like juice. If you can hold off on weight gain until mid to late second trimester it will set you on a good start for the rest of your pregnancy and make it easier to stay within the healthy range. I was starving early on, too, but I just watched my weight and added more exercise (light, like walking or elliptical or swimming and weights) when I needed to compensate for extra intake. It was hard because your body doesn't need any more calories yet but all the changes make your appetite change so much. Good luck :) Keep making healthy choices and it will all work out just fine! And don't beat yourself up if some days you just have to eat a lot!

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