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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Butterflyhopes86

Q: Weight gain--is it too much?


This is my first pregnancy. I have always struggled with weight. I was at 183 at my first prenatal appointment. I am now 25 weeks and last I weighed at 210 lbs. I am worried that I am gaining too much weight. I am not eating unhealthy, just more than usual as I am always hungry! Should I be really concerned? How much weight did you or have you gained?

This question was asked Nov. 20, 2013 6:16pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by Butterflyhopes86 - Nov. 22, 2013 9:49pm
Thank you for your answers:)
I went to the doctor today.
They said everything looks healthy and to not be so over concerned about it.

I will try your suggestion of keeping a food journal. That will help.
I haven't had much energy up until this point so now that I do I may try doing prenatal yoga and walking. I think I am most nervous about fitting in my wedding dress 6 months after I have the baby!!

It's so hard not to focus on every little thing!

Thanks again!

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Answered by estone - Nov. 20, 2013 8:02pm
Each pregnancy is different and they say if you are at an average weight before you got pregnant that normal weight gain is anywhere between 25-35 pounds. I gained 20 pounds with my son and am almost 36 weeks with this pregnancy and I have gained 30 already. I agree that if you are worried, let your doctor know. Also, try to stay away from bad carbs and consider a high protein diet. It will keep you fuller longer and you won't consume so many calories.

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Answered by kshives1027 - Nov. 20, 2013 7:18pm
I have struggled with my weight my whole life as well so I know where you are coming from. With my first, I didn't eat unhealthily, but I wasn't super good about watching how much I was eating. I didn't gain most of my weight until the third trimester when all I ate was grilled cheese sandwiches from Big Boy...knowing how much fat was in them, I am not surprised. I ended up gaining 38 lbs. with my daughter. I am 34 weeks with my son and have gained 17 lbs. I am watching what I am eating, but I am also making sure that I am walking more and drinking a ton more water than I did the first time. I would talk to your doctor about your weight gain since it is concerning you. And maybe make a food journal (be completely honest and write down EVERYTHING you eat...hard to do sometimes.) for the week before you go to the doc and let them look at it. They may have some suggestions for you. :) Good luck!

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Answered by Lou_85 - Nov. 20, 2013 6:28pm
I'm 26 weeks Friday and so far have put on 8lbs, however I was extremely sick up until week 18 and then I've put on over a stone to get back to weight I was plus this 8lb, so only overall 8lb gain.

I'm worried I haven't put on enough and I've damaged me baby boy :( I heard an average of 20 lbs for pregnancy. My auntie just had her son couple months ago had put on 3 stone and she's a fitness freak, every last ounce is off her.

As long as your eating healthy and not over indulging you should be fine :) x

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