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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Jelly-Bean

Q: Faster weight gain second time??

I am seriously down today.. probably part hormones.. but the rest of the story is as follows (Please dont judge - I need advise.)

I am 6 weeks pregnant.. ONLY 6 weeks and have already gained around 3kg - perhaps more.

I am not sure whether it could perhaps be a bit water retention or whatever but I can feel it in my (non-fitting) clothes as well.

I quit smoking about a week ago so this is maybe contributing but all in all I am starting to feel miserable.

I excercise every morning (6 out of 7 days) but have started to become to nauseous to do that even!!

Please help.. I am struggling to tackle everyting at once.. the quit smoking, the weight control.. the nausea....

Did you gain faster with your second pregnancy?
did you end up with the same total gained or more? (or less)

Thank you..l

This question was asked Nov. 29, 2013 6:23am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by jakquistar - Dec. 3, 2013 3:30pm
I feel a lot more bloated this second time. I am about 30 lighter this time then I was with my last so I guess that is why I feel so friggin fat already, lol (I'm just over 9 weeks). And I also quit smoking when I found out I was preggo, trying to not snack on everything in the house is near impossible. I stay away from the scale, period. If my pants fit and my ring fits, I'm good. I also have a history of bulimia and anorexia so that's another reason why I refuse to weight myself or look at the scale when I'm at the doctors. It's better anyway to base your weight on how your clothes fit. What's really irritating is that in the morning when I wake up I have no bloat I don't even look pregnant and by that evening I look like I'm easily 4 or 5 months along. It's depressing. Can't wait till I have an actual bump and can see that's I'm not just bloated and gross. I also workout everyday, sometimes twice and it's starting to make me anxious to know I'm gonna have to slow down on that soon.

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Answered by Angela18 - Nov. 29, 2013 3:36pm
I'll tell you, this is my third pregnancy and I've already gained like 22lbs at 25 weeks (after the holidays I'm sure I'm doomed). My first trimester I gained like 12lbs. I was on a strict health diet prior to and during the beginning of the pregnancy, exercised and still was packing it on. We aren't as strict with the diet because of the holidays and my will power but my weight gain had slowed a bit in the 2nd trimester. It's hard, but I do best when staying away from complex carbs, ie, breads, rice, cereals, etc, which my diet tells me to stay away from (but I can't!). During 1st trimester due to nausea and then some bleeding I didn't get to work out as much so now I do but I always get fat when pregnant. I was 116lbs at ovulation now I'm at like 140Lbs. My first child (I had such bad sciatic) and ate more than my ogre husband and gained like 70lbs or more. My second I gained 40+ maybe 50. I worked out with her till the day before birth! Just do the best you can! GL!

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Nov. 29, 2013 1:08pm
Alot of women experience some pretty serious bloating in early pregnancy. Usually it's not real weight gain, but it sure feels like it when nothing fits! Your hormones are pretty crazy in the first 12 weeks, but once that starts evening out, alot of that bloating and stomach upset should calm down. I think it definitely would be harder if you're trying to quit smoking at the same time, which can lead to some weight gain as well. Talk to your doctor about what you can do to help you get through the first few weeks of no smoking. I know it's hard but you're doing the right thing! I gained the same amount of weight with my first and second baby, 30 lbs each, but i gained it in much different ways the second time around. The first time, i gained most of it at the end of the pregnancy, but the second time, it went on sooner and i showed much earlier. Now, i'm 32 weeks with #3, and i haven't gained a pound. Every pregnancy can be really different. Hopefully, you'll start feeling better soon.

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