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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Jelly-Bean

Q: Feeling fat and depressed.. please help

I'm almost 8 weeks now.
I've put on about 4kgs now and it seems that it litterally comes on overnight.. - the scale simply jumps up overnight then stays there..

I have been snacking to keep the nausea at bay but I simply cannot understand that the weight is piling on so quickly..

I've gained almost 1kg per week and I'm terrified.. will I then gain 40kgs???!

Getting dressed is becoming an issue and I really feel horrible.

This is my second pregnancy

Can anyone please give me some hope / encouragement or advice?
I really need it today


This question was asked Dec. 11, 2013 5:48am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by kelliers - Dec. 11, 2013 4:08pm
Also you are pregnant and that makes you beautiful! I've found a pedicure can almost fix anything :) Do something nice for yourself!

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Answered by kelliers - Dec. 11, 2013 4:04pm
First, careful about salt. As your blood volume increases, you actually need a fair amount. If you don't get enough, you will retain water the same as if you get too much. Then you will wonder why you cut back but it's not working. Basically, salt your food to taste. Your body knows best. Second, water water water water water. It will keep the bloat down. Third, exercise. If you can, swim. It pushes the excess fluid out of your tissue and helps you get it out of your system. If all you can do is run or walk or elliptical then that will help immensely, too. You will also feel better because you worked out and the exercise feels good and apparently it makes baby smarter so everyone wins. Be sure to eat healthy, high fiber and high protein foods and avoid refined sugar and refined carbs as they will exacerbate the bloated feeling.

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Answered by eag923 - Dec. 11, 2013 3:50pm
Beside bloating, you could be retaining water. Are you eating a lot of salty food? The bloating will start to resolve as you head into the second trimester. Also, if your regular clothes are getting too snug, switch over to maternity pants. Nothing makes you feel worse than trying to squeeze into pants that don't fit!

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Answered by Angela18 - Dec. 11, 2013 1:17pm
I understand, girl. My first pregnancy I gained over 70lbs but I was totally out of control. Then my last one about 50. This time in the first trimester alone I gained like 12 lbs. I slowed up a bit but so far I've gained about 25 and I'm 27 weeks. First of all for me my metabolism slows up because I'm normally skinny. Then I become possessed from horomones and develop an eating issue! All you can do is be cautious of it and try to eat the best you can. This was the first pregnancy I had nausea so I know it's tough to eat certain things but just keep talking yourself through it and trying and know when the second trimester relieves you you should start doing better or at least get your game face on and try. Trust me I obsessed terribly about it, luckily my hubby is awesome and says he likes me different ways (he likes my ass getting big!) but he knows I lose it because I'm determined and well, you are making a baby. Try what you can but be nice to yourself.

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Dec. 11, 2013 7:11am
What your going through is also known as bloating. Best thing for you to do is stop obsessing about your weight and concentrate on having a healthy pregnancy.

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