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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by JuneBrideCarter

Q: First Trimester weight loss, weight gain, and overweight.

Now, I'm just a little confused, and I can't find the answer anywhere, and I have yet to choose a doctor for this pregnancy. They say if your overweight you should only gain between 11 and 20 pounds during a pregnancy. (About 5 to 10 kgs, for my metric friends.)
My pre-pregnancy weight was 188 lbs, (85 kgs) but I've lost up to ten pounds(4.5 kgs) already because of morning sickness. Do I go by my lowest weight as a starting point for weight gain, or my start of pregnancy weight?
Any help is really appreciated!

This question was asked Dec. 16, 2013 10:59pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by stephpan - Dec. 17, 2013 6:03pm
You should go by your original weight. I lost a lot of weight throughout my pregnancy - until the third trimester. The day I delivered I weighed the same as when I started my pregnancy. Being plus-sized kind of changes the recommendations and what is and isn't acceptable in terms of weight.

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Dec. 17, 2013 5:59am
I'd still go by your original weight even with the weight lose your OB or midwife will still suggest only gaining 10-20 pounds during your pregnancy. I was told only to gain 10-15 but have gone way over that :(

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