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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by t00pr3tti4drama

Q: Weight loss?

I am 11w 2d pregnant and so far I've lost almost 10lbs. my pre-pregnancy weight is 255 and now i fluctuate between 245-246...i know im overweight to begin with but is this normal? I know it is if you had morning sickness but I've only felt sick once. I'm gonna phone my doctor on Monday, I'm sure everythings fine, it's just a lil nerve wrecking

This question was asked Dec. 28, 2013 3:31pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by babymarotte19 - Jan. 7, 2014 7:01pm
I lost a good chunk of weight too! I'm still less than when I first found out I was pregnant! Nothing to worry about, just make sure you're eating enough, and healthily! and if it continues to drop, and you're concerned then call your doctor. But for now you should be just fine.

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Answered by Eluria88 - Jan. 5, 2014 6:48pm
The thing with pregnancy is that it kicks your body into mega-metabolize mode with the hormones and all. Those who are overweight to begin with generally will lose some weight (and truthfully it's better for you and the baby that way anyway!). If you're taking in a normal amount of calories (likely less than you did before pregnancy) and eating healthier foods (most people watch what they eat more when they're pregnant because they want only healthy foods reaching their baby), then there is no reason you wouldn't lose weight :) I don't know what your height is, but I am 5'7" and I take in about 1500-1800 calories and maintain about 140lbs. I've lost 5lbs since i found out I was pregnant and am only 5w6d, with no morning sickness at all.

I wouldn't worry about it, really I think losing a little in the beginning is good for you. If you haven't stopped losing by 20 weeks you may want to discuss it with a doctor for sure. Wishing you luck on your 9 month journey!

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Answered by aebece - Dec. 29, 2013 11:34pm
My first pregnancy I lost 10 lbs b4 I started to gain anything starting weight was 198 weighed myself in the hospital that night after I had her weight was 199. This go around 14 lbs lost and as of my last doc last week 36weeks pregnant I am back up to my starting weight. I haven't changed anything about how I eat or what I eat I just lose weight when im pregnant. No morning sickness at all with either

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Answered by t00pr3tti4drama - Dec. 29, 2013 7:04pm
Thank you...and i've been eating like a freaking cow. lol. all healthy stuff but i been eating A LOT

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Answered by Zarimomy - Dec. 29, 2013 12:55pm
Hey, I have heard that happens due to the morning sickness, but as you have said you haven't felt sick @ all. How are you eating habits thus far? If it has you worried I say its good that you plan on discussing it with your doctor. Congrats and best of luck! God bless.

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