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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by kimmy85

Q: What do they do for a cervical scan?? anyone else have to do them?

So we have to start doing cervical scans every 2 weeks. What do they do for those? I know it's though u/s but what do they tell you? anyone else have to do them?

This question was asked Jan. 11, 2014 8:19pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by daisiemoo - Jan. 15, 2015 7:18pm
thankyou for posting this question i needed some of your answers for myself x i have my first cervical measurement scan tomorrow at 18 weeks. I'm probably having them because of two previous pre-term babies i'm just unsure why starting them so early ? Also I've not been informed of what they will do if this scan shows any changes with my cervix ? i'm intrigued how they're going to do stop my princess coming before properly cooked :/ x

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Answered by eag923 - Jan. 11, 2014 10:08pm
My first daughter was slightly preterm, so when I became pregnant again, I was worried that baby #2 would be earlier (my water broke early). So, I came across these scans in my research. That's awesome that they are doing this for you! It will catch parts of the cervix that may begin to thin or funnel that can't be seen orvfelt on exam. I'm not having them done, however, I go in for weekly Makena injections. Have a wonderful pregnancy!

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Answered by gotababylady - Jan. 11, 2014 9:05pm
I'm glad he is taking good care of you and taking all precautions to ensure you have a happy healthy baby :)

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Answered by gotababylady - Jan. 11, 2014 8:44pm
It really depends on your Dr. but with your history I'm sure they will continue them at the very least until your little one hits viability, although I have heard of them continuing right up until delivery. The good thing is if your cervix begins to shorten they can come up with a plan of treatment right away and hopefully prevent any more losses.

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Answered by kimmy85 - Jan. 11, 2014 8:48pm
Well the thing that happened before he said had nothing to do with my cervix but he is taking all precautionary actions he can. what happened was my water just broke. he thinks it is due to my gene mutation.

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Answered by kimmy85 - Jan. 12, 2014 10:15pm
Thank you eag923 good luck to you and your baby too!!!

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Answered by Sunny33 - Jan. 13, 2014 3:51am
They are checking the length and to see if there is any "breaking" which means that it gets thinner when the baby kicks it. When the cervix opens up it does it in a cone shape so it will start to dilate from the outside in. The length will be measured by how much of it is closed and hasn't opened up any. Good luck :)

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Answered by kimmy85 - Jan. 11, 2014 8:29pm
Thank you! when we start them we will be about 15w 5d and then 17w 5d and so on but how long do they do them? till the end of the pregnancy or until viability?

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Answered by gotababylady - Jan. 11, 2014 8:26pm
I'm thinking they are doing these do to your previous preterm birth. here is what I found about them

Cervical Scan

If you are at risk of preterm birth, it may be useful to have a scan to assess the length of the cervix. This can be done at any stage from 13 weeks, but is most useful if done sequentially at 13, 16 and 21 weeks of pregnancy.


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Answered by kimmy85 - Jan. 11, 2014 9:12pm
Me too!! thank you so much for your advice and help!

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