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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by gill1981

Q: 35 weeks pregnant and Placenta only 1.6cm away from Cervix has anyone experienced this?

Hi all, just looking for some advice. At my 20 week scan I was told that I had a significantly low lying placenta, not completely covering but touching the cervix. My MW told me that in 99.9% of cases by the time they do a ultrasound in the third trimester this will have moved. I had a ultrasound last week at 34 weeks and it had moved but not by very much - it is now measuring 1.6cm away from the cervix. The minimum for a natural birth is 2cm, so I have to be rescanned next week. Just wondered if anyone had this so close to their due date, and should I be preparing myself for a C-section? Thanks in advance!

This question was asked Jan. 14, 2014 2:59am
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by running19 - Jan. 14, 2014 10:56pm
I highly encourage you to get a second opinion if you don't want a c-section or have questions. You should feel 100% comfortable with the choice you make.

I did a quick google search and found several studies on the subject that you may be able to speak with your provider about. One stated that at 0-20mm (0-2CM) from the OS (cervical opening) a woman could have a trial of labor depending on other health factors (SCOG Clinical Practice Guideline, Diagnosis and Management of Placenta Previa) and another wrote "CONCLUSION: More than two-thirds of women with a placental edge to cervical os distance of ô?°?10 mm deliver vaginally without increased risk of hemorrhage." (OBSTETRICS
Placenta previa: distance to internal os and mode of delivery)

Best wishes for you and your baby.

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Answered by tasha* - Jan. 14, 2014 10:28am
My sister had this many moons back and yes hers did move enough for her to give birth, however she did have a lip of cervix which caused a slight problem but nothing major. I would say be prepared for a section just in case but I think you'll be just fine *fingers crossed* Good luck with the scan next week :)

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