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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Eluria88

Q: Any tips for gaining weight?

I know some people are going to call me crazy, but I need some help gaining weight. Baby is measuring a little more behind now and my weight isn't okay with my doctors. They want to see me gain about 8lbs MINIMUM they would prefer 12lbs by March 20th.

Problem is I can't really eat more than a fistful of food every hour or hour and a half. And to make matter worse I am craving things like watermelon, strawberries and pineapple. I even had a craving for broccoli! How can I gain weight when rich foods make me sick and all I want is a handful of grapes or other fruit?

I tried some protein shakes, and no go as was burgers. They came right back up. I just can't tolerate really high fat, rich or creamy foods right now. I can't even do ice cream!

I want what's best for the baby and right now that means putting on some pounds, but I want to do it the right and healthy way! Any tips?

This question was asked Feb. 24, 2014 8:47am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by Mrs_HT - Feb. 25, 2014 2:20am
I have a couple of recipes, broccoli with bow tie pasta- butter, lemon peel, broccoli, evoo, lemon juice, garlic, bow tie pasta, s&p parm. cheese walnuts. This next one can be substituted with chicken, white fish, etc. Penne pasta green onion, evoo, sausage, onions, tbsp flour, cilantro, can be sub for parsley, gtound cloves, mango ,tomato, canned(whole) or fresh (in juice). The last one is chicken parm. Boneless chicken breast pounded thin, s&p, Seasone flour, 4 large eggs, panko bread crumbs, olive oil, tomato sauce, sliced mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, fresh basil and parsley as garnish.

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Answered by tasha* - Feb. 24, 2014 11:44pm
Awww bless you. I had miscarriage too before this one. It makes it very scary!! Ermmmm how about some sort of chicken, turkey, anything protein? Rice, noodles, pasta?? I totally went off anything carbs and would instantly throw it up but I couldn't class that as morning sickness as it was when I ate anything starchy. Hopefully you will get some more appetite soon.

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Answered by Eluria88 - Feb. 24, 2014 8:06pm
Yogurt wonts stay down either, especially not if it's plain. I feel like I have lactose intolerance or something, I haven't been able to do anythign dairy, not even cheeses. Eggs make me sick as well, I cannot stand the smell of them cooking. I can do hot cereals but not cold because the milk makes me sick. I feel hopeless. I'm only 13 weeks, but I lost 10lbs in the beginning and they want me up more. Even with 8lb gain I'll be at my prepregnancy weight. With 12 I would be 4lbs over which they prefer. Because I've had a miscarriage im considered high risk and they want to see weight gain.

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Answered by wsowso - Feb. 28, 2014 5:16am
I was at losing a few lbs till week 12ish. For some reason eating out occasionLly helped. The best place worked for me was with onion rings and range dressing, helped me gain weight along side fajitas with tortillas that actually stayed in. Pasta helped much too.

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Answered by tasha* - Feb. 24, 2014 9:32am
Hmmm it's a tuffie!! I'd say your eating all the right things healthy wise!! Can you digest things like eggs, cereals, yoghurts etc?? I craved anything green like broccoli, cabbage and stuff like that. I am 38 weeks Thursday and have put on a total of 6lb!!! My midwife said this is ok as baby is healthy even if she's on the small side (I always have fairly small babies). You do tend to put the weight on in the last trimester (sorry didn't look how far gone you was).

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