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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by renc23

Q: 25 weeks today and diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes how manageable is this???....

hello I am 25weeks pregnant today and got the call I did not want... I have gestational diabetes I didn't pass my one hour test yesterday and the doc said my results were high enough to confirm I have it... she sent a referral to a dietitians to discuss my diet and blood sugar monitoring... I really need to hear from other ladies that have this that can give me good advice and tips on how I can manage this... what were you outcomes for labour and delivery I desperately wanted a vaginal birth but that seems questionable at this point because I have had a csection before... HELP!

This question was asked Mar. 21, 2014 7:46pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by AutumJo - Mar. 24, 2014 12:56pm
Good morning, I failed both the 1 hour and the 3 hour. I was so scared at first when I was diagnoised. But by clinic offered a really great class that helps you to understand gestational diabetes better and learn how to use your equipment. I have been monitoring just the amount of carbs I eat and my levels have remained within range. Typically if you just monitor what you eat after you have been diagnosed, that's enough to keep it in check. I was really scared first too like you, but now I see if you monitor it, your baby will be okay. Hope this helps you a little! Good luck!

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Answered by JLMarks - Mar. 21, 2014 8:55pm
I was diagnosed at 28 weeks. I have been following the diet I got from the dietician and I have to take insulin once a day. Some can manage just fine with just the diet. After 2 weeks I was unable to do that. It stinks because you can't eat a lot of the things you are craving but you can get through it. :)

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Answered by chehowca - Mar. 22, 2014 8:48am
As your doctor to do the 3 hour test. It is very common to screen positive on the 1 hour test and then negative on the 3 hour test. Mind you, it doesn't sound like your doctor wants to start you on insulin, just monitoring your diet and blood sugar levels. Two things that aren't super invasive and could have benefits anyways.

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Mar. 22, 2014 2:50am
Weird, I think you should get a new midwife or OB. Once you fail the 1 hour test they are suppose to put an order in for a 3 hour test and go off those results.

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