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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by MammaBolton

Q: Is it cause for concern that I am 21 wks and 3 days but I have lost over 20lbs in the past 8 weeks?

I have been eating and everything. Im actually not exerciseing like I should and I feel as though Im actually not eating healthy so I really dont understand.

This question was asked Jan. 25, 2012 6:58pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by OkieMama5 - Jan. 26, 2012 4:09am
Has your doctor said anything to you about it? I would think if it was a cause for concern the nurse or the doctor would bring it up at your visit if not I would bring it up at your next appt or maybe call and tell them and see what they say

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Answered by a guest - Mar. 7, 2012 12:53pm
I think it is cause for concern losing that much weight when not on a diet even if you weren't pregnant is a concern. Not like you have to run to the emergency room but that you should speak to your doctor.

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