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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by christineg0561

Q: Gestational Diabetes Test

Hey, I was just wondering if anyone has refused the gestational diabetes test? I live in Canada but from the UK and I'm pretty sure they don't even test for it in the UK (my sister didn't have one done). I was thinking that surely you would be pretty unwell and you would know you have it.


This question was asked Jun. 5, 2014 5:34pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by eag923 - Jun. 5, 2014 6:26pm
It is a really important test as having undiagnosed gd during pregnancy can cause some complications with mom & baby during pregnancy & after the birth. All they do during the 1 hr test is prick your finger. If you fail that, then you go on to further testing. GD is an extremely common complication during pregnancy, so you can't depend on family history. I have never had the 3 hr test as I have always passed the 1 hr test, but there really is nothing to it. It seems a much better option than having a baby with out of control blood sugar at birth.

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Answered by emmapeal9 - Jun. 6, 2014 1:29am
Between 24 and 28 weeks the placenta naturally starts producing insulin blockers for EVERY pregnant woman. Most ladies have a pancreas that will jump into action and begin producing MORE insulin to counteract the blockers, but some ladies don't have a pancreas that does the job. It's VERY IMPORTANT to do the testing and find out how YOUR pancreas is working. There can be many complications with untreated gestational diabetes. And most people don't show symptoms.
I'm not fond of blood draws and I had to go through both the 1 hour and the 3 hour tests. NOT my idea of fun. But I feel extremely better knowing about my GD and taking steps to protect me and my child. :)
Good luck!

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Answered by Sianny - Jun. 5, 2014 5:49pm
I think the UK 12wk bloods have a nosey at your glucose, they take so much blood at that tests I can only assume it's one of the many things they look at. Not looking forward to them as I almost passed out last time.

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Answered by dakotagurrl - Jun. 5, 2014 7:52pm
I really wouldnt refuse that test, tbh. U can get GD and not fit any of the criteria to have it. I live in Ontario and all they did for my 1hr was give me an orange drink that I had to have down in 5 mins, it tastes similar to orange crush, then I sat there for an hour then they drew blood and I left. The doctor will let u know at ur next appt (or possibly call) if u fail, then u head in for a 2 or 3hr test, theyre not done the same day tho, labs arent that fast here. It's really not a big deal to have done, a bit of a waste of an hour, but when u consider the alternative, definitely worth it!

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Answered by MrsPregoNhappy - Jun. 5, 2014 6:02pm
Why would you refuse it? It's just a simple routine blood test to make sure your blood sugar levels are ok.

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Jun. 5, 2014 7:20pm
I live in Wisconsin, and I'm not sure if it's considered optional or not, but it is a regular thing here. You go in, drink the nasty stuff, then wait an hour and get a little blood drawn. If you pass you go if you don't you stay and drink one more then wait another hour and get blood drawn. If you pass that time you go if not you stay and they test again in an hour and so on.

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Answered by christineg0561 - Jun. 5, 2014 7:16pm
Thanks everyone for your responses. Really helpful. I think I'm just feeling a bit down at the moment and i always faint and vomit with anything to do with blood (all in my head i know!) so wanted to get peoples opinions. I know its all worth it in the end (I've been told enough times) but sometimes it just gets on top of you! hormones and all!! lol!

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Answered by christineg0561 - Jun. 5, 2014 5:45pm
Thanks Prinder. They haven't said that anything is off with my other results and it seems that all the pregnant woman in Alberta, Canada that i know of have had it done! I just feel like a bit of a lab rat at the moment and if its not essential to have done (ie no history or other factors) i would prefer to skip this one!

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Answered by sj_sarah - Jun. 5, 2014 6:26pm
The UK has criteria for testing so they don't test everyone. if you are a high risk pregnancy or if you have family with diabetes.

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Answered by prinder - Jun. 5, 2014 5:37pm
They would normally test your blood sugar first, and if it seems iffy or if you are higher risk (having had big babies in prior pregnancies is another indicator in addition to genetics) then they will do a glucose test. Your sister was likely just fine so they didn't bother doing any further checking.

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