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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by Ladysg

Q: TTC after miscarriage

Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to know (the ladies who have experienced a miscarriage) how long it took them for their hormones to regulate and have a normal period...and how long did it take them to TTC after the miscarriage (if tried right away)?

I know it's diferent from person to person...but I'm just curious.

Suffered a miscarriage about 2 weeks ago at about 4-5 weeks. Wasn't anything hectic from what I've read online.

This question was asked Jun. 20, 2014 1:01pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Paolen - Jun. 20, 2014 2:54pm
Sorry to hear about your loss. My story is just the same. I had a misscariage at 8 weeks in September also. The dr said we should wait 6 months before trying to conceive againg. I honestly didn`t wanted to wait so long specialy because it took me a lot of time to get pregnant. So I had my period back a month after and got pregnant again in early december. Now I am 7 months. I have read that it is better to start trying 3 moths after and it worked for me.

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Answered by Mrs_HT - Jun. 22, 2014 10:47am
I went in after my miscarriage to see if everything had passed and the doctor basically said that my husband and I were cleared to try again he just did not tell us a time frame. I miscarried on the Oct 5th, I was seen on the 21st to confirm and Nov. 19th I had taken a test that came back positive. The following 21st my OB confirmed with am ultrasound and I was measuring at 5 weeks. 4 days. They didn't seem concerned but then stated that they should have told me that they usually have you wait 6 weeks or until you have one cycle. It was to late by then as I was already pregnant again.

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Answered by Mrs_HT - Jun. 22, 2014 1:44am
I was pregnant just prior to this pregnancy and naturally miscreants at about 13 weeks. Unfortunately, my OB did not tell me to wait and about five weeks later I ended up pregnant again. I had stopped bleeding and so I didn't know that we were supposed to wait. I am now 36 weeks with a baby boy. I may be giving bad advice, this is just what happened to me. Best of luck!

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Answered by Ladysg - Jun. 22, 2014 9:10am
@Mrs HT Hmmm...interesting. See my gynae just told me DH and I should just try right away..didn't say anything about waiting. I'm supposed to be on Clomid the cycle that will start now...

Everywhere I've read doctors have recommended women to wait a couple of months...

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Answered by mrsfitz1226 - Jul. 30, 2014 3:26am
I suffered a miscarriage 07/2012 at about 6 weeks, we had unprotected sex literally just about every day for 2 years and finally got a BFP 06/2014. When your body is ready it will happen every woman is different and apparently so are dr's :) I think when you are ready is the best time! Best of luck!

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Answered by estone - Jun. 21, 2014 3:46am
I had a CP and for pregnant 2 weeks later. After my D & E when I lost my twins at 18 weeks, we waited 4 months and then it took us 3 months to conceive my son.

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Answered by Ladysg - Jun. 20, 2014 5:26pm
Thanks ladies for sharing your story. I'm just patiently waiting for my periods really...to see that everything is "back to normal"

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Answered by susan44 - Jun. 20, 2014 2:28pm
So sorry for your loss - I suffered a miscarriage at 10 weeks in September last year, I got my period as normal the month after and managed to fall pregnant again in late December and am now 7 months along. The Dr advised us to wait at least 2-3 months before trying to let me body build itself back up and give the new pregnancy the best possible chance. Good luck!

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Answered by aprilluvsmoz - Jun. 20, 2014 3:01pm
Im sorry for your loss. I had two miscarriages last year. The first one it took me three weeks for my levels to go back to zero. I was told to wait at least three cycles for my bodies hormones to regulate themselves and to make sure I had proper lining. I ended up going against the doctors orders and I got pregnant after my first cycle. I did miscarry again and they think it was because I didnt give my body enough time to heal. With this pregnancy I did wait the recommended 3 cycles I actually waited for 6 cycles to start trying again and this pregnancy is completely different. I would suggest listening to your doctors and your body for when you feel that its right. Best of Luck to you!

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