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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by BabyClaire11

Q: Just thinking ahead..

My mom is going to be one of my birth coaches. For some reason she planned a vacation for 1 week after my due date... so there's a chance i could be late- and that she might not be there.
Once I'm 4 days over due (if it even goes that far, just thinking ahead) I was thinking of self inducing using castor oil so that i can be sure my mom will be there. I've read up on castor oil and self inducing, but there's not much information that is very helpful.
So, my question is: what are your opinions on using castor oil. Have you used it before? What was your outcome? And did you have any bad side effects?

This question was asked Jun. 20, 2014 1:42pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by emmapeal9 - Jun. 20, 2014 4:22pm
I've heard the same thing about castor oil. It will just give you diarrhea and make you vomit. I would steer clear.

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Answered by ginabee - Jun. 21, 2014 1:05am
Agree that pitocin is not a horrible thing. I was induced because of preeclampsia and was in labor for 8 hours. They gave me pitocin to even out my contractions and move things along. They didn't have to give me that much for the contractions to move right along, and I had a natural birth with no epidural, just like I wanted. It's a much safer option than castor oil, which could end up giving you horrible diarrhea, which is NOT what you want while you're in labor.

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Answered by Jessica0319 - Jun. 20, 2014 9:55pm
Just saying don't let people scare you with saying pitocin is horrible, I really don't think it is and would much prefer my next labor induced. :) And if you were to go overdue that is probably what the doctor would choose. There is a few other methods they try as well before using pitocin. If your cervix is not softened at all they won't just give you pitocin and castor oil wouldn't work if your cervix is not softened and a little dilated either, so don't give yourself the runs!! lol. Anyway when I was induced they used some gels on my cervix that were supposed to soften it and possibly start some contractions, and then the next day and about 4 gels later there was no difference and they tried this horrible catheter balloon thing which is awful!! That didn't work either, so after going home and just walking for hours I had softened my cervix a bit myself enough to be induced with pitocin. Anyway just trying to say, it won't be that scary!! You will have a beautiful baby at the end!!

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Answered by eag923 - Jun. 21, 2014 3:41pm
Agreed. Avoid the castor oil because everyone I've know that has taken it just ended up with diarrhea and horrible intestinal cramps. Not nearly as fun as a new baby! As far as Pitocin goes, I was induced with my first bc my water broke at 36 wks but I never went into labor. I opted for an epidural about 2 hrs after they started the drip, but I was planning on getting one regardless. With Pitocin contractions, they come on strong and fast. You never really build up like you do with a labor that started on its own. My 1st delivery did end up being a C section delivery due to fetal distress, so I knew baby #2 was going to be a C section. However, I DID go into labor with #2. The contractions start out much less intense. In fact, I didn't even know I was in labor until my water broke at my 37 wk drs appt.. If I had to give you advice from my experience, I would say to avoid the Pit IF u can, but not to feel bad if you do need it (or the epidural)! :)

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Answered by Jessica0319 - Jun. 20, 2014 9:50pm
I was induced with pitocin and I really don't know why people always say it's worse than going natural. It actually makes your labor go by faster, it does not make the contractions more painful, they are just closer together so it seems more intense, but really, with a shorter labor it is easier to not ask for pain meds or an epidural. With my son I was induced with pitocin and my labor was only 6 hours, at the end I was really looking towards getting an epidural but when they checked me I was already 9cm so they told me it was too late and I would be pushing soon enough, I only pushed for 30 mins and my son was born and I was glad I didn't end up having an epidural, and I didn't tear and my placenta came out shortly after and intact, so I don't think pitocin is all that bad, I am hoping that my next labor I will be induced because I'd rather have a short intense labor than a 23 hour labor like some ladies do, that would be a little harder to go through with no pain meds in my opinion!

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Answered by BabyClaire11 - Jun. 20, 2014 6:01pm
Thanks ladies. I just don't want pitocin to be induced either :/ I've been told to avoid that if i can too, because i'm doing it all natural and it makes the contractions more intense. I'm so stuck!!

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Answered by dakotagurrl - Jun. 21, 2014 2:02pm
I agree with not taking the castor oil, seems kinda pointless...and ur poor bum, ouch! As for the pitocin, I dont really have a natural labour to compare it to, but for me, I was induced and it made contractions very intense, very quickly! It didnt speed up labour whatsoever, it took 34hrs of bearing through intense contractions before he was out. I would never tell someone not to go that route, and if offered it this time 'round, I'll be all over it, but I definitely didnt have the quicker labour that the other ladies had...orrr maybe I did, hard to say when u cant do both at the same time to compare. Either way, dont wipe it off ur list completely, esp if u want ur mom to be there and are in a time crunch. U are different from all of us, and as u see, pitocin stories go differently for each woman.
Best of luck! Hope everything works out as planned!! =))

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Answered by MDD2011 - Jun. 20, 2014 4:25pm
I have heard castor oil really is not safe for you and baby. Yes, some doctors will induce you if you go over your due date, but the best thing is to let baby come when he is ready!!

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Jun. 20, 2014 4:06pm
Most hospitals will induce you before you go too far past your due date- and if you mention it to the Dr's they may induce you (if needed and babe doesn't come early) around your due date.

As for the castor oil, I haven't heard anything good about it. It'll give you the runs, and I was told by a Mat Ward nurse that it's not healthy for you or the baby. Believe you me, I was at my wits end with my son and wanted him out SO bad that I'd try anything unless it wasn't safe!! Best of luck!

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Answered by Mrs_HT - Jun. 22, 2014 6:46pm
I have heard that nipple stimulation has great results but that that contractions are very painful and should be done under supervision. That being said, I would speak to my doctor if you are showing no signs of labor and get more information on self induction. There is the red leaf tea, I believe, that helps to promote labor as well as eating pineapples. Hope you won't need any of these methods but it you do I hope you find the one best for you.

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