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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by brittthomp4

Q: Is the NT Scan a big deal?

So since I have had some spotting my midwife suggested the 12 week scan. Which I am fine with. My husband however, is balking at the very idea that anything could be wrong and he does not want me to have it and does not want to be there for it. I know lots of women have it and its just not a big deal. How do I explain to him that I don't think this pregnancy is doomed just because I want the scan? I just want to know where the spotting might be coming from and I get to see the baby. He is not being very supportive about it.

This question was asked Aug. 14, 2014 4:04pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Chestnutroast - Aug. 17, 2014 10:20pm
When they checked for downs with this pregnancy it was during my normal dating scan of 12 wks.
I don't know much about these other scans or names as i've only ever had the 12 wk and 20 scans but i haven't had spotting etc during my pregnancies.
I still think it needs to be explands why these scans are done

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Answered by Chestnutroast - Aug. 17, 2014 10:12pm
It seems like he thinks scans are just done if something is thought to be wrong.
Maybe printing off some sites pages on the scan for him so he can see it's a common thing and normaly just to see how big baby is for due dates or if there is more than one baby.
It's not unnormal for any of us to fear something wrong showing up if there is something then they can try to work out what to do to help you and the baby, they can't help if they don't know if something is wrong and not doing a scan would worry most ppl more.

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Answered by brittthomp4 - Aug. 15, 2014 1:43am
My midwife only suggested the scan because we could do that and then take a look at the placenta to see why I am bleeding and just check to make sure all is well. I do wish my husband was more supportive about it but if all is well I am hoping he will just be happy to have seen the baby. Thanks all

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Answered by TXkadams - Aug. 15, 2014 12:31am
The NT scan was designed to be an indicator of chromosomal problems (Downs, etc.). But it looks at other things too (head size, brain, heart size and chambers, limb movement and formation, stomach, bladder, other organs, etc.). There are lots of reasons you could be bleeding that this scan won't see, but if you are bleeding due to placental previa or the placenta coming off the wall (can't think of the technical name for that one), then they will suggest different levels of rest depending on the severity of the issue. I'd have it done. It won't hurt anything and more information is always better in my opinion. If you husband wants to stick his head in the sand and not face reality, then that's his prerogative. I hope he comes around and realizes how important it is to support you at this time. Good luck!! I hope the bleeding is just a cervical irritation and nothing serious. Lots of women have bleeding and healthy babies. Try not to worry until you know more.

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Answered by Sunny33 - Aug. 14, 2014 11:27pm
The nt scan is to check for Down syndrome, which has nothing to do with the spotting. You can just reassure him that this particular scan has nothing to do with the pregnancy being a sticky one. Best of luck and I hope everything turns out perfect :)

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Answered by Jessica0319 - Aug. 14, 2014 9:09pm
I have done it with every pregnancy, it is pretty standard to offer it. It does not mean anything is wrong if they offer it, but if there is, it will give you an insight and an option to have more testing. Most people get normal results and it's just a nice reassurance that nothing is wrong, and it's a nice reason to see baby at that stage. :)

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Answered by susan44 - Aug. 14, 2014 4:53pm
At my dr office the 12 week scan is standard, i did it with both my first and current pregnancy even though there were no signs of anything being wrong, it is a great chance to see the little one and also gives you some peace of mind.

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