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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by Jayne24

Q: Confused about my scan!!

Hi, I'm currently 10 weeks 1 day pregnant with my 3rd blessing, and ive had an early scan at 7 weeks to rule out tubal pregnancy. Anyhow, my scan looks like 2 white blobs with no real definite physiological structure of 'average normal' foetuses at that age, as I've compared mine to others on the net because I didn't have any to compare with my 2 previous kids as I had scans late with them. The sonographer and my Dr aren't much of a help with answering my questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated

This question was asked Oct. 12, 2014 9:42am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Jayne24 - Oct. 12, 2014 6:57pm
Thanks heaps for the reply's guys. Not so confused anymore. Hoping my NT scan is more clearer :).

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Answered by Kitten90 - Oct. 12, 2014 2:44pm
Definitely just looks like a yolk sac and fetal pole to me. They all look different depending on the quality of the ultrasound equipment. I had a 7 week scan on a really nice machine and they could do 3d and zoom in and stuff so you could see the limb buds.. but I had another scan the following week on a lower quality machine and it just loooked like a blob lol

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Answered by Sianny - Oct. 12, 2014 11:19am
Just seen your ultrasound and I'm pretty sure it's a baby (fetal pole) and a yolk sack.

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Answered by Sianny - Oct. 12, 2014 10:30am
Without seeing the picture is hard to be sure but it all depends on the type of scanner they used as some can be clearer than others and also what angle it was taken from.
At that stage baby look a little like a kidney bean with perhsps little stubs so my guess would be that you are seeing the top of babies heador a cross section of the tummy/heart area alongside the yolk sac as this will be the two things they look for at 7 weeks and would look like two separate blobs.
The Internet can be unreliable as at 7 weeks as it can be very hard to date the baby so what a mum to be thinks is 7 weeks may turn out to be further along.
my 7 week scan (i didn't get a picture) looked like nothing more then a blob next to a semicircle.
Hope this helps you a little hun.

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