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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Awind*3

Q: What are you doing for exercise?

I'm currently 14-15wks and would like to help maintain my healthy weight gain. What exercises are you doing? How often and how long? I've only done some walking and chasing my toddler around. I still have very low energy! Please help.

This question was asked Nov. 22, 2014 6:30am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by tresbesos31 - Nov. 25, 2014 11:57pm
I been power walking on the treadmill and have done one session of prenatal yoga. I would like to do more but I have major all day sickness, which hopefully will subside sooner than later.

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Answered by Valmv78 - Nov. 25, 2014 11:20pm
I just got Traci Andersons pregnancy project and prenatal Yoga DVD both from Amazon

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Answered by Awind*3 - Nov. 23, 2014 7:53am
:) thank you for responding ladies!

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Answered by Sianny - Nov. 22, 2014 5:27pm
I did go for walks in the country or round the town but now it's more of a slow uncomfortable waddle but it's too nice of a season not to walk (waddle) in the woods.
Today though I was overtaken by an elderly lady on crutches...

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Answered by prinder - Nov. 22, 2014 4:54pm
To be honest, I have put exactly zero effort into intentionally exercising. If I have done any at all, it has only been part of an added bonus to doing some task or another (babysitting my niece, moving house, rearranging furniture, cleaning... you get the idea). Kegel are a must - as I am finding now that I've caught a cold and the muscles down there are so flimsy that every time I cough I pee (panty liners are my friend).

Instead, I've been doing my best to make sure that I've been eating as well as possible. It's been easier for me, I think, than most because I haven't had any real cravings. That said, keep your exercise as low-impact as possible; if you were doing exercises before being pregnant you should be able to keep doing them now, but don't push yourself to new achievements for the time being and stick to maintaining what you have.

Best of luck!

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