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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by dsdaye

Q: Is it safe to take Halls cough drops while pregnant?

I have been fighting a really bad cold for about a week now and have a cough and very sore throat. I have not taken any medication for it other than some sugar free Halls Antioxidant cough drops. Has anyone else taken Halls during their pregnancy?

This question was asked Dec. 14, 2014 2:48pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Papas~Mama - Dec. 15, 2014 7:32pm
I've been making my daughter hot honey water(has to be real honey) and it really helps her cough. I hear it's one of the best things for a cough and it's tried and true on my end. Real honey is also jam-packed with all kinds of stuff that's good for your body. Throw some lemon in there too if you like!

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Answered by Nunchuk - Dec. 15, 2014 3:20am
Also try some lemon and honey tea. It'll soothe your throat and the vit C will help fight the cold

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Answered by Nunchuk - Dec. 15, 2014 3:19am
I asked my OB about this. It's safe

:) feel better soon!

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