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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by itsbeans

Q: Can I eat chicken salad while pregnant?

I know I'm not supposed to eat prepared chicken salad, like from a deli counter, but can I eat home-made chicken salad (that has obviously been properly cooked and stored)?

This question was asked Dec. 16, 2014 6:00pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Nunchuk - Dec. 16, 2014 7:29pm
My OB said just pay attention to media warnings on listeria breakouts. If in doubt, fresh made is fine. I eat subway, sushi (avoid cornerstore type, best from specialized restaurant), blue-rare steak, etc. Just need to know quality, where the food has been, etc. Biggest reason they say no to these foods in pregnancy is cross-contamination. There's listeria outbreaks on fruit and vegetables frequently too. Just pay attention to local warnings :)

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Answered by cosmoholic - Dec. 16, 2014 6:14pm
I've definitely eaten chicken salad this pregnancy. :) Even store and restaurant ones - if it comes from a reputable location and you are confident that it's been properly prepared and stored I'd go ahead and eat it. The concern while you're pregnant is getting food poisoning - in chicken salad the main culprit would be listeria. If the food you're buying is prepared properly, the risk is pretty low.


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