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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by swharton0826

Q: HCG levels

I found out I was pregnant last Monday, 12/15/2014. Because of my past miscarriage, my dr. drew hcg level and progesterone. Beta came back 185 and progesterone was 0.8. I was 3w 6d. My Dr. started me on progesterone pills to bring my number up. Today, I am 4w 6d and I had to get the same thing drawn. Beta was 308 and progesterone was 17.7. I am worried because I thought your numbers are suppose to double every 48-72 hrs. Mines haven't even doubled in a week. My dr says some women numbers are slow at rising in the first trimester. I had my miscarriage at 19 weeks in 2006. I got pregnant 2009, 12 weeks and my cervix had opened so they gave me a cerclage. I delivered at 39.5. She is now a busy 4 yr old lol. We have been trying for this one since august and got lucky. I am a worry wart at heart, so its killing me not knowing if my little bean is ok. I just want to know if anyone else is going through this. I dont know why I cant be ok with this if my dr is ok.

This question was asked Dec. 23, 2014 1:26am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by swharton0826 - Dec. 24, 2014 12:06am
I work at the OB/GYN office I go to and we are off Christmas Eve and Day....so I am to get another Hcg drawn Friday, 12/26. I am trying my best not to stress and have been trying to keep busy. Thank you so much for the website and advice. Enjoy your holiday!!!!

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Answered by cosmoholic - Dec. 23, 2014 12:54pm
Is your doctor going to do another draw in a few days? That will give you a better indication as to how things are progressing. I don't know how the levels are supposed to increase in the very early days (3w6d is before most women even miss their period!)

When I was in my early weeks I looked at this chart a lot - http://www.betabase.info/chart/basic/single - it is a database of HcG levels in successful pregnancies. You can see that the range is HUGE.

Good luck and try not to stress - it isn't good for you or the little one!

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