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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by monroezelda

Q: Possible food poisining off chicken.

Today I made a chicken sandwich at my mums an it was 5 day old .she hadnt took out her fridge as shed been busy all week.
It tasted an smelt like mouldy daml, I ate about half the butty as I thought I was inagining it at first.
But then nearlly vomited.
I read it can take upto 2 days to get symptoms. If I do become ill should I see a dr. Im 6 weeks.

This question was asked Dec. 29, 2014 4:17pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by monroezelda - Dec. 30, 2014 12:36am
Hope its ok, read some horror stories online as ya do :/
Fingers and toes crossed. Jst want these next few days to go quickly :)

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Answered by Papas~Mama - Dec. 29, 2014 6:35pm
I got food poisoning at 7 months with my first pregnancy; it was absolutely terrible. You'll know if you have it. I had vomiting and diarrhea so badly that I became very dehydrated and it sent me into pre-term labor. My midwives had to come and give me intravenous fluids to hydrate me, and luckily the contractions stopped. I went full term with him, everything was perfect. I'm not sure what happens if you get it earlier in pregnancy but I'm sure staying hydrated is still very important. Hope that's not the case and that you don't get sick!

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Answered by monroezelda - Dec. 29, 2014 4:33pm
Ye just hope nothin comes of it :/ it was pretty rank. :( fingers crossed.

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Answered by JaxyBoBaxy - Dec. 29, 2014 4:28pm
My mother-in-law said she got food poisoning while she was pregnant with my sister-in-law, but wound up having a normal pregnancy when she felt better. My sister-in-law turned out fine and continues to be healthy. I guess you can take it as a lesson to trust your nose. I hope you feel better!

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