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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by octivia

Q: Stretch marks- When did yours show up?

I'm 33 weeks and do not have any stretch marks yet. I'm just wondering if my luck will last? Has anyone else made it this far and then gotten them?

This question was asked Feb. 7, 2012 2:12am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by armortellaro - Feb. 7, 2012 2:01pm
You won't see the little ones till the baby is out, unless you squish your skin together. I too thought I had made it free and clear but nope after the baby comes out you can see them and even later after that you will notice them in places you didn't think you had any right after the birth. I do not have big purple ones. The worse one I have is where my belly button was pierced. So get in the mirror and squish your belly skin together and you might see what I am talking about. I did it everyday to keep track.

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Answered by TangleBirdie - Feb. 7, 2012 3:21am

at 33 weeks i had stretch marks on my boobs and on my hips but none on my belly . at 38 weeks i have 4 very small like half a centimeter stretch marks on the underside of my belly but im pretty happy with that. all the stretch marks on my boobs are brown and the hip ones are light red. Hopefully you will get away with not having any at all.. Goodluck!

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - Feb. 7, 2012 4:05pm
Mine showed up a week before delivery. I was convinced the baby was ripping out of me..I literally told the doctor that..lol

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Answered by a guest - Feb. 7, 2012 5:36pm

Mine from when I was a teen were really purple so thats what I've been looking for interesting...I never really thought about getting white marks...I could have some right now and not know! lol

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Answered by a member - Mar. 12, 2012 5:35pm
I didnt untill last month i thought i was free and clear.....but they were light brown and after i had her they faded to like a light tan almost skin tone but a silvery kinda sheen

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Answered by octivia - Feb. 7, 2012 4:05am
Thanks! I have them on my hips and boobs from growing as a teen........just so hoping I don't get them on my tummy, although yours don't sound bad at all...Id take them over huge ones!

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Answered by Coomy08 - Feb. 7, 2012 3:36pm
With my son I only got them on my hips and some on my thighs. I use "save my skin" by Pure Romance and as long as I was using it everyday my marks lightened up. I think i didn't notice my thighs till after I had him but that was prolly because I didn't have that big bump blocking my view lol

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