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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by uniquePerez

Q: Why does it feel like that?

So This Is My Third Time Feeling This And It really Hurts.
I Could Be Sitting Down Or Standing Up & out Of No Were I'll Get A Sharp Pain Down Their Feeling Like If Something Is trying to come Out Or Pushing Down. I Bearly started getting it like 4 days ago it happens for like 5 seconds & Then It Stops and doesn't happen till the next day or soo.
Does anyone know what that is or if it's normal?
I'm 34Weeks&6 Days Pregnant.

This question was asked Mar. 26, 2015 10:47pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by jkim80 - Mar. 31, 2015 2:49am
It can be cervix but also things like a slight pinched nerve etc, baby is big now, space is limited so that unfortunately means things are being moved, pinched, pushed, stretched and so on, this can cause some nasty pains in the vagina and pelvic area. I had them with both of my previous pregnancies, worse during the second than the first, probably because my daughter stayed breech until very close to delivery and liked to push down with her feet. I am sad to say its pretty normal and totally sucky. Plus as you get closer and closer to birth day your cervix will do some pretty crazy stuff and for some women its painful kind of a pinched nerve slash muscle spasm that causes and shooting pain in the vagina. Do your kegels and try stretching your back once in a while on hands and knees and occasionally knees and elbows to help drift baby up out of pelvis for a while to give things a break. Best of luck, you don't have long now!

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Answered by Bumpin4Baby - Mar. 27, 2015 2:36pm
I agree with Kitten about your cervix starting to change/starting to dilate.

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Answered by Kayla06 - Mar. 27, 2015 3:33am
Yes!! I had that with my second pregnancy. OMG it was awful. I asked my ob at the time and she looked at me like I was crazy!! I know exactly what you are feeling. I think it's pretty normal, my sister complained about it too. Gl I'm sure everything is okay :)

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Answered by Kitten90 - Mar. 27, 2015 12:31am
Your cervix may be starting to change. Could be a number of things really.

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