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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by uniquePerez

Q: Is It normal?

Earlier I had a doctor's Appointment to check on my pregnancy they checked if I had dialted yet but I haven't . So after.it was done I came home and Had to pee, but I got a REALLY REALLY Bad pain in MY Vagina like burning and Just Beeing stabbed with something when I tried to pee. It hurt so bad I didn't even pee I stopped . I waited like 3 hour's to see if it Whent Away & it Happend again it's to painful! It normal? Has it happend to any of u ladies? What do I do?

This question was asked Apr. 3, 2015 2:46am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by tashagraham - Apr. 26, 2015 4:19pm
Yes it is normal. Your doc irratated your cervix. Sometimes when they check they scrap some membranes which help in cervic dilation. Good luck!

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Answered by Kitten90 - Apr. 3, 2015 2:51am
Sounds like your cervix. Mine always got irritated after they checked me. The pains would come and go for a while

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