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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by 4yearswaitingxxx

Q: stress/anxiety in pregnancy? pre-term labour? please any advice ladies

so the past 10 odd years iv suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, they seem to be worse now im pregnant (29weeks). i attended mental health clinic in the maternity hospital and they put me on prozac and xanex which i DO NOT want to take because of the risks to my baby. so im trying to do it on my own, but the doctor said my anxiety could cause pre-term labour anyway??? where are the facts is this true? am i causing my baby harm. i feel really lost and finding it hard to get through the day. any advice

This question was asked Apr. 11, 2015 12:22pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Apr. 13, 2015 5:40pm
I have been where you are darling. With anxiety almost always comes depression or vice versa. I too decided to not be on meds while pregnant. The first trimester was emotional, but I think it is for most women. I did pretty well throughout my pregnancy. Wrote journals on this site about things going on in my mind and had a very supportive group of ladies that were in my birth month forum. I found that helped. Where it was most difficult was post pardum. I had post pardum depression. Cried through out the day. Even though I loved my baby and loved being a mom, I couldn't stop the feelings of being upset. I was also in a small town not where I grew up and had no family or friends around so I think that added to it. Just be aware of your emotions and do a little something for yourself when you get super stressed out. Even if it's going out and getting your favourite milk shake. You can do this mama. Deep breaths and take care.

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Answered by JessH26 - Apr. 12, 2015 10:42am
Would counselling help? Or talking to friends/family? Sorry if that sounds patronising as I don't suffer from this just thought id offer advice :) good luck xx

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Answered by 4yearswaitingxxx - Apr. 11, 2015 8:52pm
aww thank you.. its been a struggle, mostly scared of leaving the house with the fear of fainting in a shop or taking a panic attack. i just feel at a lost thinking will i cause myself to go into labour. i definietly dont want the meds they can cause withdrawl symtoms for baby and preterm birth. hopefully things get better. thank you again xx

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Apr. 11, 2015 5:47pm
Hi, my husband suffers panic attacks, he had medication and has been on tablets for 10 years, it doesn't really effect his life though. His father was clinically diagnosed with depression and his brother so he worries it could happen to him. But I've been married to him for 10yrs and never seen it.
Anyways was a tough situation for you. I probably wouldn't be taking those type of meds either while pregnant unless you were a danger to yourself or baby. I would keep taking one day at a time and seek counselling as often as you need it and risk the pre-term labour. Your almost 30weeks so baby should be fine in this day and age if born early. I think the strong medications would cause halm in themselves. Sounds like you are doing your best and really trying to care for what is best for your baby. Remember we are all here for support should u needs us. Take Care x :-)

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