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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by Emz1989

Q: Chicken Pox

So im asking this question on behalf of my sister.
So my younger sister whos 6 weeks pregnant still lives at home with my mum who child minds for a living. One of the little boys she minds his little sister has chicken pox. We dont know if he's a carrier. So would my sister be at risk and what could she do if she was at risk?

This question was asked Apr. 13, 2015 8:51pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Thumbwalker14 - Apr. 18, 2015 8:04am
Hi, II caught chicken pox when I was 13 weeks pregnant with my 3rd from a friends son who assumed I must of had it as a child. Your sister has immunity but pregnant women have a lower immune system. I am so sorry for you that your family can't visit. I wanted to mention that even if your sister caught chicken pox again she will be closely monitored like I was and may be offered anti viral drugs ( liquid Zovirax) but that drug itself has a variety of warnings for use in pregnancy. I was hospitalised for 3 weeks in an isolation tent :( as I was so ill but I chose not to have the treatment due to the side effects it could cause such as limb abnormalities. I was told my baby could be born deaf, brain damaged and likely scarred all over her body from the chicken pox anyway and was encouraged to take the drug but I refused. I couldn't do anything about the chicken pox virus but I knew the drugs were riskier. I had a healthy unscarred perfect girl who is now 21 years old ! X

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Answered by RedBetty - Apr. 15, 2015 1:03pm
Just like Calvingirl said, it is highly doubtful she can contact it since she had it when she was a child. I had it when I was around 10 years old and been in contact with people who had it after then on a number of occasions but never caught it. Too bad it will affect your family visiting when you put to bed :(

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Answered by Emz1989 - Apr. 14, 2015 3:08am
Yes she had them when she was little. Im a bit nervous now that my family won't be able to come see me in hospital when I'm having my little one next week as i don't want to put my baby at risk

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Answered by calvingirl - Apr. 14, 2015 2:14am
She's only at risk if she's never had chicken pox before. Did she have it as a child? If she did, she's fine. An infant would be at risk if already born, but not a pregnancy if she's immune.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Apr. 13, 2015 9:16pm
Yes she's at risk if in contact with the child or any child with it if she has not been immunised. Tell her to call her doctor to get advise.

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