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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by zippyzap

Q: Very nervous about 20 wk ultrasound

Hey everyone, I am very nervous about our 20 wk ultrasound today, because I know this is the one where they make sure baby has all the right parts! Any suggestions for how to deal with being anxious? We are not finding out the gender, but I am hopeful that the baby will be ok.

This question was asked Apr. 15, 2015 3:55pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by super-edwinmoore.moo - Jun. 19, 2015 12:21pm

Concern regarding safe pregnancy is quite common among women. However, you shouldn’t be anxious about ultrasound as it is not hazardous and there will be no harmful side effects to you or your baby. A prenatal ultrasound test generally employed high frequency sound waves that are send out through the abdomen via a device called a transducer for looking abdomens inside. Such devices are provided by medical companies seen at www.ilexmedical.com.

Generally it is performed while pregnancy to see baby’s, placenta and ovaries images. If there is any abnormalities or birth defects occur then it is clearly visible on an ultrasound.

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Apr. 15, 2015 5:05pm
I think pregnancy brings a lot of worry/stress because we all want the best for our baby's. Try to think positively. The chances there is nothing wrong is more likely than there being something abnormal. Remember that. My first pregnancy, I carried a lot of worry. This time around, I notice, I much more relaxed because I realized my worry got me nowhere. I am sure things are going to turn out perfectly. Enjoy your day today, it will be wonderful to see your little miracle.

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