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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by MalPal85

Q: Gestational Diabetes

So I took my 3 hour glucose test yesterday morning and confirmed today that I passed and do not have gestational diabetes but my numbers were borderline and my Doctor still wants me to call the dietician which I will be doing. Just wondering if any of you ladies that have/had gestational diabetes have any diet tips for me. Thanks!

This question was asked Oct. 7, 2015 7:36pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by Brandavir - Oct. 10, 2015 6:21pm
A tip my girlfriend had with her GD was to always make sure she got protein and fiber with every carb, as they help with regulating the absorption, and help you feel fully longer, so you can eat smaller portions, too. Using just that, she never went above a normal blood reading (she monitored 3-4 times a day)

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Answered by TIFFLUV - Oct. 8, 2015 9:38pm
I failed the gd test and i have to monitor my sugar 4 times a day. Since monitoring my numbers are not high. I did have to go to a diabetes clinic. I have to watch sugars and carbs. they give you a book that you can read over to show you how much you can eat of what.. Did you know that fruits arent as good as we thought.? Well if you did I didn't
good luck with it all

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Answered by pbc910 - Oct. 8, 2015 12:28am
My husband's diabetic education class focused heavily on carbs and limiting them. Not even so much cutting out sweets but it's all about carb counting.

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Answered by Cattsmeow - Oct. 7, 2015 9:21pm
I have GD with this pregnancy. My diet plan is pretty much the foods I had been eating, but focuses on portion control and watching sweets AND carbs. The carbs are the hard part.

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