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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by angier06

Q: Implantation Bleeding or not? Worried can anyone help? Need some advise

So two weeks ago on a Monday, October 12th I had a Kidney infection, I was really sick high fever, back pain, headache I did not eat anything for almost a week I just didn't feel like eating. I went to the doctor and I got some pills for infection I took them for like 4 days and recover like if it was magic. I was suppose to get my period on Saturday, October 10th two days before I have the kidney infection. I started spotting on Friday, October 16th it was a pinkish- brownish color with no cramps or any period like symptoms it didn't look or felt like my period and it stop the same day for the next 2 days it was a light pinkish spotting not to much it was almost nothing. I'm worried because I don't know if it was m period, I know my body was busy fighting the infection and I was really weak but before I got the infection or felt really sick my period was 2 days late and I didn't started spotting until almost a week that my period was late and me and my bf been having unprotected sex.

This question was asked Oct. 22, 2015 7:23pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by DeeDeeX - Oct. 25, 2015 10:37am
I had implantation bleeding on the day my period was due, well that's what the doctor said anyway. I bled for about an hour, small ammounts of brown blood. Brown means old blood. Took a test next day, got a faint positive. Doctor said it was "late implantation bleeding". Didn't know that was possible. When I was 6 weeks, had a gush of bright red blood with cramps. Scared the living soul out of me, went to the ER and baby was fine. Pregnancy is weird. Really weird. Take a test

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