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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by AutumJo

Q: water breaking and meconium question..

I was just wondering if any of you ladies knew if it's okay to labor at home a while if your water breaks and your baby had meconium. I'm asking because with my last pregnancy, my water broke in the middle of the night and I called labor and delivery and they told me to come in immediately. But if I don't have to rush to the hospital, I would really like to try to labor as much as possible at home first because I think it's just that much more relaxing.

This question was asked Nov. 2, 2015 3:58pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by aprilluvsmoz - Nov. 3, 2015 9:59pm
Meconium is serious, when the doctor broke my water at the hospital they noticed that there was meconium and they prepared for the nicu nurses to be present when he was born and to not stimulate him so he wouldn't swallow any of it, he came out crying and still ingested it and he needed oxygen for the first two days of his life. If your water breaks at home definitely pay attention to the color of the fluid then get to the doc as soon as possible so the certain precautions are put in place.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Nov. 3, 2015 3:41pm
I was already at the hospital in labor when my water broke and they noticed a good amount of it. Fortunately she was ok but they still have her antibiotics. I think what scares me the most was when they first got her out she wasn't crying or anything.

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Answered by Cattsmeow - Nov. 3, 2015 1:45am
Meconium is very dangerous to baby. There was thick meconium present when my water broke with my oldest son and he had aspirated it. Due to that, he was not breathing when he was born and had to be suctioned and intubated immediately. He also had to be put on antibiotics, and was in the NICU for 8 hours after birth. (I did not get to hold him until he was almost 10 hours old due to the complications.) So definitely do not wait to go in if your water breaks and there is meconium present.

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Answered by tcannon630 - Nov. 2, 2015 7:20pm
Baby can choke on meconium, my last pregnancy my son swallowed meconium during delivery and they had to take him immediately after birth and he was on oxygen for 24 hours. I'd go in immediately!

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Answered by Verily - Nov. 2, 2015 6:08pm
With my first, my water broke and it was just clear fluid. I was only having irregular contractions.

My OB told me to come in soon - but not to rush. She said to take a shower, have a snack. I think I was at the hospital within 2-3 hours.

If the fluid had been colored at all (blood, meconium, ect...) I would have needed to go immediately.

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Answered by AutumJo - Nov. 2, 2015 5:56pm
thank you for your response, that's really what I wanted to know, if it could affect the baby by staying home and laboring for a little while. Thanks for your help!

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Answered by mummyheff - Nov. 2, 2015 5:36pm
no it is not safe, you must go straight in and let them know what is happening, i had this with my second son and had to be checked more offend and listen to babies heartbeat as he was very distressed due to the meconium x

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