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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Libelula264

Q: Belly looking huge with #2?

I am 14w today and feeling HUGE for how far along I am. Comparing bump photos from last pregnancy, I am looking how I did at 18-20w.

Check out my bump pics to see. I am not "worried", more curious whether you all agree that I'm looking bigger than you'd expect for how far along I am.

I will admit I started about 6 pounds heavier this time than with #1, and maybe I eat too much ice cream... I also am not very active and didn't do any stomach exercises after #1... but haven't gained any weight yet.

Opinions? Experiences with #2 and showing way early?

This question was asked Nov. 11, 2015 6:29pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Nov. 11, 2015 8:00pm
Definitely it's normal to show way more and way earlier with number #2 that was definitely the case for me.

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Answered by Amanda_McDaniel - Nov. 11, 2015 7:08pm
I showed a lot earlier with number two. I was also about five pounds heavier than when I got pregnant with my son but my recent organic eating didn't mesh so well with my nausea and I ended up eating more sooner. At 14 weeks, I was up about six or seven pounds but it even out for a while. I had started gaining again but plateaued. I chalk it up to muscle memory. My uterus knows the routine now and cut to the chase sooner.

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