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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by Sparkles23

Q: Psychiatric Medication - is it ok to take mine still I am freaking out?

So I have a disorder which makes me really depressed and have bad anxiety so I take meds for it. Now that I am pregnant I am worried if these meds will hurt my baby, I don't get in to see my doc and ask him for 2 weeks and the net has to many weird answers. Has anyone here dealt with something like this, advice or just stories would really help thank you.

This question was asked Jan. 16, 2016 2:32am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Sparkles23 - Jan. 20, 2016 9:39am
trauma queen thank you so much, I do worry about my depression issues getting bad again if I stop taking my meds, it can get very bad. I see the doc on the 29th but maybe I will call again …why are they always on vacation lol.

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Answered by traumaqueen - Jan. 19, 2016 4:44pm
First and most importantly: DO NOT stop taking your meds as prescribed until told to do so by your doc. I would call the office of the doc who prescribes your psych meds and explain the situation, asking for advice.

Most psych meds carry some risk, there just aren't very many medications that are 100% safe during pregnancy. However, your mental health is essential to a healthy pregnancy, so going off meds all together may not be an option for you. You need to reconcile yourself to that now.

Follow the advice of your doctors, that's the best you can do.

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Answered by Sparkles23 - Jan. 18, 2016 10:09pm
alirae33 thanks hun, I figure the doctor will pull me off my meds and if there is any risk at all I don't want to chance it. I am so scared because I already am crying and depressed half the time for no reason lol depression is a big worry for me I have not dealt well with it in the past. I hope your doing great thank you so much for the advice.

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Answered by alirae33 - Jan. 18, 2016 12:00am
This is a very tough situation i know what your going through . I too have depression and anxiety and i was on an anti depressant before i found out i was pregnant . I continued taking it for a couple weeks while pregnant because i didn't know what to do eventually i came to the terms that i would stop taking it even though the doctor said there was not a high risk but the risk was still there that it could effect baby so i tapered off of it slowly . do not just cut off cold turkey definitely not a good thing to do it can sometimes cause you to go crazy. but it is defiantly up to you and if the doctor says its okay to take its ultimately up to you .its a hard decision. but maybe you could possibly call the doctors office? schedule a sooner appointment? but i wouldn't just cut off completely .i pray all goes well . sometimes doctors say there is more of a risk to baby with the mother not taking an antidepressant rather than taking it . cuz depression can take a tole on you and baby

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Jan. 17, 2016 11:09am
I know exactly what you mean. I'm never getting pregnant again. I Actually am losing hair to the point I've got bald spots.

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Answered by Sparkles23 - Jan. 17, 2016 12:31am
Thanks Mommybutterfly its all so stressful I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster when will it stop lol.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Jan. 16, 2016 11:08am
Sorry it took so long I fell asleep. I'm not sure about Wellbutrin but the other isn't recommended for use during pregnancy but if I were you I'd check with the prescribing doctor you get your meds from. I'm taking abilify and a pressure medication but I'm also working with maternal fetal medicine at the clinic.

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Answered by Sparkles23 - Jan. 16, 2016 3:56am
Mommybutterfly I don't mind you asking at all I take Wellbutrin for depression and a very low dose of Clonazepam for anxiety also a sleeping pill but I am not taking it anymore because well I can't sleep much anymore up peeing all night lol. I worry about how to go off the meds if I need to I have gone cold turkey before which is just stupid and kills I don't want to hurt my tiny baby. Any advice would be awesome thank you so very much.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Jan. 16, 2016 3:09am
What meds are they if you don't mind my asking

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