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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by pat2015

Q: Sport and early pregnancy

I'm 3 w and 4. I was very active before getting pregnant, but now I'm so scared of doing my work out routine.
Is sport bad for an early preg. .
Can it cause miscarriage. ? Or higher the risk. ?

This question was asked Feb. 21, 2016 8:17am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by andycooper5 - Aug. 23, 2017 1:21pm
Hi dear,
I know it can be a very horrific thought of losing your child, but overthinking is not at all advisable. Pregnancy is delicate and very sensitive, but nothing is worse than sitting at your bed scared. Your workout regime or zumba dance is no way going to hurt your baby. In fact, even doctors recommend dancing, yoga or gymming if the mothers-to-be have been into all of that before, too. Have you ever heard of someone being hurt by exercising? Of course you will, if you proceed beyond your body's potential. Indulging in these exercises regime will boost your immunity, save you from the unbearable body aches, and keep your child healthy, as well! Besides, you must never ignore your body indications, never overdo yourself.Make Sure you take breaks more often than before, drink more water in between, and put weights not more than 25 lbs. If you are a beginner, be under an expert supervision and only start with easy exercises and light weights. The moment you feel something wrong

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Answered by pat2015 - Feb. 22, 2016 11:20am
Thank you very much for your answers.

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Answered by PaperHeart - Feb. 21, 2016 8:44pm
It depends on what sort of sports you are planning on. Impact sports would be a bad idea. Things that would leave you vulnerable for falling down (like rollerblading, for example) I'd stay away from if it were me. Running and biking would have risks, but not necessarily something you'd need to stop as long as you're extra careful. Being active is really good for you in most pregnancies and your dr will let you know if there's some reason you need to stop or slow down. I've known women who kept up their exercise routines, even very demanding ones, throughout all of their pregnancy, so discuss it with your dr, but in general pregnancy isn't an automatic death sentence to your active lifestyle.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Feb. 21, 2016 9:58am
Continuing sports and e exercise is very healthy during pregnancy. Your body is already use to it so you aren't stressing it out any. If anything tone down lifting weights but that's about it.

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