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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by mrs-daisy

Q: Canned Tuna

Today i made a salad for lunch and added some canned tuna, That's safe right?

This question was asked Mar. 1, 2016 4:33am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by mrs-daisy - Mar. 2, 2016 1:02am
Thank you for answering. i'll make sure it's the skipjack one in future.

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Answered by HasntSunkIn - Mar. 1, 2016 5:08pm
My understanding is that fish a couple of times a week is safe (including canned tuna). You want to keep mercury levels down so the general recommendation is to completely avoid bigger fish like Swordfish, etc. Also - choose Chunk Light/skipjack instead of Chunk White/albacore (which has 3x the mercury).

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