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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by mamasia

Q: Cold..Runny Nose..Sneezing...Headache...and congestion...Is it ok to take Tylenol?

Hey Everyone...So I am 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant now...thats what I think...and have this crazy cold. My nose is runny but it is congested at the same time. I wasn't able to sleep well the whole night...had to wake up again and again to drink water for my mouth was so dry. I have headache no fever.

I emailed my doctor asking if I can take tylenol....didn't get any response yet. I don't know what to do? Is it safe to take Tylenol...should i wait until I hear back from her? I think i can still handle everything but this nasal congestion,.,I cannot breathe with my nose....what should i do :'(

This question was asked Mar. 3, 2016 10:00pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by mamasia - Mar. 5, 2016 5:25pm
Thank you Traumaqueen and Mommybutterfly for the infos and advices.

I am feeling much better today...thank god...but my nose is still little congested and got light pain around my right eye. I am so used to taking tylenol whenever I had headache and this time, going without tylenol was really really hard.
I also used steam and it helped me momentarily. Hot compression also helped with eye pain.
Hopefully i will feel better by tomorrow or at least few days...

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Answered by traumaqueen - Mar. 5, 2016 11:39am
Ask your provider what meds are safe to take during your first trimester. Generally it's recommended that you take nothing, but individual providers may offer different suggestions. I've had nonstop colds my entire pregnancy and the thing that's helped me most is steaming my head. I just boil some water and pour it into a bowl, put a towel over my head and hang out in the steam for about 10-15min. Helps clear me up and keeps my throat from getting super raw while I sleep.

Generally a sinus infection is characterized by thick, off colored mucus (think green), intense sinus pain and pressure, and possibly a fever. When in doubt, always check with your provider.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Mar. 4, 2016 6:03pm
First started out as regular cold symptoms but my head started hurting my upper jaw hurt my eyes wouldn't stop watering and then I wasn't able to blow to get out any more mucus even though I could feel it in my sinuses. I've been coughing nonstop and my voice was almost gone it's just now coming back

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Answered by mamasia - Mar. 4, 2016 2:23pm
Thank you for the responses. I was able to do without medication yesterday. Hopefully it is just a pregnancy symptom and nothing more. Thank god I didn't have work for few days if not I wouldn't know what to do with this discomfort.
@ Hopeforchildren - I took out the humidifier from the storage yesterday and used it...I couldn't tell if it helped but will certainly use it for a while.

@Mummybutterfly - what are the symptoms of sinus infections?

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Answered by Hopeforchildren - Mar. 4, 2016 1:11pm
Me and hubby had to buy me a humidifier my congestion was so bad. It is from the pregnancy.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Mar. 3, 2016 11:49pm
Sutafed is safe. The kind you ask the pharmacist for and have to show ID. You may want to keep an eye on your symptoms my cold started out as a cold by Wednesday morning I had a sinus infection. If at anytime you aren't able to blow your nose or cough/hack stuff up go in.

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Answered by PaperHeart - Mar. 3, 2016 10:19pm
Tylenol is safe, but not necessarily allergy and cold blends. A saline mist may help. A stuffy nose is a pretty common side effect of pregnancy.

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