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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by quiverfullofhaggards

Q: CVS Sampling

I am just curious about cvs sampling and if it is safe to do. What side affects did you have? I need to have one done to see if the baby has NAIT, but i'm so scared. Any advice?

This question was asked Feb. 22, 2012 10:07pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by Sybella - Mar. 4, 2012 8:26am
I had one at 13wks. It does hurt but if you have someone holding your hand and talking to you its easier. Ask for a cold washcloth to put over your eyes and forehead-I personally felt a bit dizzy and sick. You really need to take it easy for a few days after-its quite hard to move around and feels crampy. My hunny was there to look after me, couldn't do much for about 3days.
Best of luck Xxx

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