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Joined Aug. 24, 2011 6:10am

babyoneill's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 24, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

My Journal - Page 2

1st september!!!
Posted Sep. 1, 2011 3:12am - 145 views - 0 comments
boobs are soooooo sore never had this with my girls, not much morning sickness really just a bit. midwife again next week as it was a rushed appt no scan for me yet. also im waking up really early in ... [Read more]
bank holiday monday 29th !!
Posted Aug. 29, 2011 1:04pm - 155 views - 2 comments
not as bloated today but really crampy on my left side Corpus Luteum? i duno really anxtious to see my midwife for my scan now xx... [Read more]
sunday 28th bloatedddd!!!!
Posted Aug. 28, 2011 1:15pm - 154 views - 1 comment
wow so bloated today feel really heavy in my abdomen got kinda worried about it but saying that i havent bin to the toilet proper for 2 days cant wait to see midwife im on an orange diet til its sorte... [Read more]
Posted Aug. 27, 2011 4:48am - 143 views - 0 comments
finding it hard to go to the toilet for a number 2 lol tmi sickness is here again and funny taste in mouth this morning, few crampings in my left hip side, not too worried, midwife next week xx... [Read more]
Posted Aug. 26, 2011 3:11am - 161 views - 0 comments
welll woke up this morning to some very strange dreams and one about being pregnant with a son, ouldnt really sleep i woke up like every hour then when i finally get up morning sickness has well and t... [Read more]
25th aug 2011
Posted Aug. 25, 2011 7:12am - 146 views - 0 comments
not having cramping today although i have a little stingy feeling as though its near my cervix duno what thats about feel ok althou i cant stop sneezing again, last night i felt ok with the sneezing ... [Read more]
24th aug 2011
Posted Aug. 24, 2011 8:32am - 164 views - 0 comments
feeling a little crampy still today but not too worried as i have heard a lot about it being normal, still very excited about being pregnant and still feels like a dream i have been waiting for this s... [Read more]