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Joined Aug. 24, 2011 6:10am

babyoneill's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 24, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

My Journal

leaky boob 29.12.11
Posted Jan. 6, 2012 5:06am - 312 views - 1 comment
got out of the bath today and noticed a wet patch on my left boob... already ?? xx... [Read more]
baby kicks
Posted Nov. 11, 2011 2:17am - 286 views - 1 comment
well i can feel baby moving about now, getting little pokes here and there and heart beat is easily found. Cant wait for my 20 week scan yay :D xx... [Read more]
Last day of the first Trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted Oct. 24, 2011 5:15am - 304 views - 1 comment
yay finally out of first tri tomorrow so happy xx... [Read more]
9 weeks ilness
Posted Sep. 26, 2011 4:39am - 355 views - 2 comments
woke up this morning feeling really ill, nausea and just overall feeling ruff, feeling fat after a not so nice comment made by a guy that plays football with my fella belly is really quite swollen asw... [Read more]
7 weekss
Posted Sep. 11, 2011 1:29pm - 337 views - 2 comments
too tired all the time still overly sore boobs everything smells funny oh and i got a really sharp pain down my side after standing up from a crouch position that went after i lay down ouch i think i ... [Read more]
Relief omg im on cloud 9
Posted Sep. 7, 2011 8:41am - 314 views - 0 comments
ok so i went to my midwife appt this morning and in the waiting room i start getting a stabbing pain in my right side that took my breath away i told my midwife wen i went in and she seemed concerened... [Read more]
Posted Sep. 3, 2011 2:55pm - 366 views - 2 comments
well this eve ive become very paranoid having pains even checked temp and it was slightly lower than usually :( hope im better tomorrow need to get thru these 6 weeks and know everything is ok... xx... [Read more]
6 weeks pregnant
Posted Sep. 3, 2011 6:16am - 288 views - 0 comments
feeling sick this morning with a few pains in my right side groin.... only 6 more weeks til my scan woo xx... [Read more]