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Joined Oct. 12, 2012 5:50am

nesssicle's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old

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My Journal

By nesssicle » Posted Mar. 10, 2013 7:45pm - 317 views - 5 comments

I'm so unbelievably hurt and upset right now. My sister announced she was pregnant today. I feel like she did it on purpose. Can I not have one thing just once in my life? She is not even right with the loser she got pregnant by. I can't write this down without it sounding completely irrational. I couldn't hide my sentimentswhen she announced it and i don't even feel bad. I don't know how ill ever be okay with it. She really screwed me over not to mention herself. She could have waited at least until we had our baby. Its not like she was in a race against time or anything....ugh I dunno. I'm just feeling like shit.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from GemGem » Posted Mar. 17, 2013 5:33pm
I had the same thing with a family member of mine and at first i couldnt help but feel she was stealing my thunder. lol. But now I'm very VERY happy for them. My feelings at first were shock! I also had my SiL announce that they might start trying for a baby after i had conceived! Luckily she decided she wanted to learn to drive first! (im not sure how fickle someone can be about having a child) I do think it would have been nice to have *your time* but like the other poster said it will be lovely to have them growing up together and maybe being great friends. GL

Comment from HasntSunkIn » Posted Mar. 11, 2013 9:14pm
It's your journal so vent vent away! I think that's what I like about these sites, it allows us to say/share things we might not normally, in a fairly anonymous setting. Good luck in your relationship with your sister. I obviously don't know the background, but it sounds complicated (aren't they always). Hope you feel better soon.

Comment from nesssicle » Posted Mar. 11, 2013 3:36pm
believe me, it has nothing to do with someone being pregnant the same time as me. I have 2 cousins with due dates a few weeks after mine and it doesnt bother me one bit. its the fact behind the reasoning why my sister did what she did. I dont expect anyone to understand, because they dont know her and the way she is. I just needed to vent.

Comment from lucyblue » Posted Mar. 11, 2013 10:20am
Being pregnant isn't about being in the spotlight, it's about bringing a beautiful new life into the world. Just because you are pregnant does not mean that everyone you know cannot be allowed to get pregnant while you are, that's just ridiculous and irrational. Imagine how she feels when she told you she was pregnant and saw this reaction from you. She is probably very upset that you are reacting this way...this is a special time for her too, it's not all about you. Be happy to share this beautiful time with your sister! :)

Comment from gp**** » Posted Mar. 11, 2013 7:19am
You're right, you do sound irrational. Look on the bright side- you have someone to go through the next few months with who understands, and hopefully have two children who are really close and grow up together.

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