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nesssicle's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 24, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old

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My Journal

By nesssicle » Posted Feb. 25, 2013 7:44am - 165 views - 0 comments

23 Weeks, almost 60% of the way done with my pregnancy. Holy cow!

My pelvic discomfort is increasing. Im pretty sure i have SPD. http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/symptoms-and-solutions/symphysis-pubic-dysfunction.aspx
Its hard to walk sometimes after sitting, so i prefer to stand most of the time. It used to get better overnight and then slowly worsen during the day, but now im finding that when i wake up, it only feels a little bit better. This is what i get for being pretty much inactive..... :/ I was going to talk to the Dr about it tomorrow at my appointment, but it looks like we're going to be getting 6" of snow, so im not going anywhere!

We went bowling for my father in laws b day. It was pretty fun, i was expecting to have a little trouble but it didn't feel any different bowling pregnant than no pregnant! My MIL didn't want me to participate, and kept trying to make me sit down and make decisions for me. I kept having to tell her im fine, i feel fine, everything's fine! I was helping my husband bring over some beers from the bar for everyone else and i felt like everyone was staring at me walking back to our lane. I mentioned something and my MIL says: OH IF THEY DON'T KNOW YOU, THEY WOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO TELL YOUR PREGNANT. This is the 2nd time she has said this. I used to have a FLAT stomach. Now i have this big ol round belly and you're telling me people just think im fat? I DON'T THINK SO! So i say BOY, IF MY GUT WAS EVER THIS BIG, ID BE EMBARRASSED! and she just says WELL SOME PEOPLE DO HAVE BIG GUTS LIKE THAT............................whatever! She is so weirdly rude sometimes! When we were at dinner before bowling, she was telling me that her hair stylist's name is Evelyn and that she hates her name. I said: SO? A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THEIR NAMES, WE'RE STILL NAMING THE BABY EVELYN IF ITS A GIRL. There are a lot of people that don't like their names. Its not like we chose some bizarrely weird name! If she really hated it that bad, she would change it. I wish she would just lay off the name things already. We are set and have told her that!

Before going bowling, my MIL asks us to come over a little earlier and she had bought TONS of baby clothes for us! All with little duckies on them...I LOVE THE DUCKIES! omg there is so much stuff! It was very sweet of her to do that!

My mom and I are still on weird terms. I called her at work and she said she'd call me back. She usually does, and if she doesn't have time to at work, she usually calls me after she eats dinner. Needless to say, she didn't return my call. I called her over the weekend to ask her to measure the rocking chair they're letting us use (its supposed to passed around between us kids as we have our own kids) and I said "HEY, ARE YOU STILL LETTING US HAVE THAT ROCKING CHAIR?" and she's like " UM ONLY TO USE" .......oh brother. Yes, i know only to use, you don't have to say it so rudely! I don't know what to do anymore!

My husband had an old friend come into town yesterday and him and his wife came over. It was nice to have people over and actually have some human interaction! His wife was really nice and she is pregnant with twins! It felt good to have someone to talk to and compare notes with in person. Im glad my husband and his friend reunited. Ive been feeling sorry for my husband because he has no one to talk to. Every male in my extended family is either a weirdo or an asshole, and there is nothing i hate more than people who are toxic. Thats why DH and I have only like 2 friends. ::sigh:: Oh well, they're supposed to be moving back to our area in about a year, so i hope we can all be friends and hang out. It will nice to have kids around the same age and after talking with her it seems like our parenting styles will be similar so we wouldn't ever have to worry that the other one is exposing our kid to something that we're not comfortable with.

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