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Joined Aug. 19, 2011 12:24pm

emma~joey~and~baby's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old
Location: Hendersonville, United States

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My Journal

Third Pregnancy and It Still Gets Me!
By emma~joey~and~baby » Posted Oct. 15, 2011 9:00pm - 426 views - 0 comments

We heard the heartbeat yesterday!! 165bpm! Doc made a prediction of a girl, and I've felt that it's a girl since day 1! I guess we'll find out in April/May! Also, We announced the pregnancy to Sissy (MIL) today! We all had a fantastic morning at the pumpkin patch and went for ice cream, and told her the news! It's such a relief, and we'll tell everyone else throughout the week. I love making this pregnancy more real everyday! :)

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