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Joined Apr. 25, 2014 3:39am

Sianny's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 2, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: United Kingdom

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Why is this time so scary?
By Sianny » Posted Oct. 17, 2014 5:55am - 278 views - 4 comments

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: Something like 10 to 11lbs, I've been avoiding the scales. I feel huge and sluggish.
Maternity clothes? Some but still mostly just comfy stretchy clothes
Stretch marks? Nope, just old silver ones from last time.
Sleep: Not much, was a better last night though.
Best moment this week: Making a start on my birth plan.
Movement: Don't get me started... Not impressed with confusing information (see other news)
Food cravings: Sponge Cake
Gender: GIRL! Double checked at the 3D/4D scan
Labor signs: Just braxtons, braxtons and more blinking braxtons.
Symptoms: Exhausted and waddling.
Belly button in or out? I had a dream it was out but its a cute dimple now.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Neither, Freaking out about everything.

Other News: I am obsessed with Thea's movements and freaking out about it all the time. I also stupidly googled hiccups all the time and although every medical written piece said nothing bad about hiccups just one person on a forum started a mass freak out of many of the readers (and me) it seems by saying it was a sign of a problem with the cord! This has since been cropping up on forums with links back to this one post so I'm trying not to hold to much stock in it and refused to find out if this is medically correct.
If this was the case than wouldn't medical professionals or baby books mention to look out for it?

I've still been freaking out about her quiet days, yesterday I was sooooooo tired from hardly any sleep that I didn't really move from the sofa but Thea never moved either, mild movements against my back but I was worried. She managed the 10 kicks that evening as suggested by a leaflet given to me by the midwife but on visiting the CountTheKicks.org/uk site website they say that the 10 kicks in any period of time is useless and outdated... yet the NHS and the american site still have the 10 in 2hrs method... WTFudge?
Apparently I am supposed to judge by my babies schedule starting at 28wks, well so far other than active evenings and midnight parties which sometimes are quieter sometimes and more active, sometimes the movements are wriggly and gentle, sometimes they are kung fu styled jabs so when do I panic because so far she doesn't have one which apparently is normal too so how does that help me judge? But what if she's moving too much, apparently thats bad as well... arrrgggghhhhhhhhh!
The whole thing seems very confusing and complicated so maybe the 10 kicks are best, it seems to be working, I get 10 every evening.
I would ask my midwife but it seems that every one I have seen in this county are just 'measurement takers' who couldn't really answer my questions, they just give me leaflets of stuff I already know.
Discovered too that we shouldn't call them for anything other than appointment or nutritional advice, as they can't answer the phone during the day or night and any issues should be put to the Dr or A&E.
Wouldn't that mean it would be best to visit mt Dr for my check ups instead?

I never freaked out about this with my first, in fact as long as I felt one movement I was content he was fine. I didn't care that my midwife hardly spoke either.

For now I'm sticking to counting 10 between 7pm and 9pm, I'm not sure if her 2am wiggle fests are going to stick but as long as after I pee she gives me jip for rolling over I'll be happy.

Do you ladies have anything that keeps you from losing the plot over movements? What does the rest of the world use to judge if there is an issue?
I really don't mind any advice if you have it x

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Papas~Mama » Posted Oct. 19, 2014 1:28pm
Hi! :) I'm only 21 weeks but I've been feeling my baby move since 16 weeks, so when (s)he has a quiet day it still freaks me out. However I have noticed that during the day they are much more quiet than the evening or night. Also, I'm calling BS on the disturbing hiccup "info" you came across. My daughter had hiccups so much in the womb that it actually annoyed me at times(! Then for the first 6 months of her life she hiccupped all the time. Babies have quiet, lazy days just like we do. I'm sure everything is fine:) Mine was quiet yesterday and the day before and I found myself being extremely worried too. It's normal for us to worry, and it's okay. I say that we worry about the kids we have that have been born already; it's only normal to worry about our unborn too. Take care!

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Oct. 17, 2014 12:34pm
I used to keep the kick counts I was never told to by my doctor though. I realized me doing them just caused un needed worry. I feel like I know the habits of my baby and I know he has his lazy days for sure. The past two days he has been on the quiter side I feel him move but not getting those big kicks and I am content with that. Ever since I began getting movement with him he was a night owl. Every time I get up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom there he is moving like crazy.

Comment from Sianny » Posted Oct. 17, 2014 7:37am
Thank you, that's made be feel a lot better. She has hiccups at the moment lol but I too have noticed that during the day she can be quiet for a lot longer than half an hour In so glad you mentioned it.
I've not had anything to worry about mostly because i haven't a clue if I should be worried, I'm going to stock to my evening count 10 in 2 hrs as this seems to be her play time.

Comment from Quartz3 » Posted Oct. 17, 2014 7:20am
Hiccups isn't a sign of any problem. As you say, doctors would tell you if it were the case. You can read more about fetal hiccups here : http://www.med-health.net/Fetal-Hiccups.html. My first had hiccups all the time and he's totally fine today.
As for kicks, my doctor followed the 10 kicks in 2 hours method. She said, even if baby slept in the womb, he wouldn't sleep for more than half an hour. That made me completely freak out as a lot of times, baby would barely kick at all in the morning. Then he'd kick as normal the rest of the day. Turns out baby really was sleeping that long.... when he was born, he basically slept for 3 months!
My point is, guidelines are guidelines. If you are worried, go get checked out for sure. If you see a constant pattern, I wouldn't worry.

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