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Pregnancy Complications - Page 72

Went to the dr today due to some bleeding. When he checked me I wasnt bleeding, but decided he would check to see if I was leaking... [read more]

Asked by JessicaWall11 - May. 30, 2012 1:30am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Bartholin Glad cyst/abcess!?!?
Ugh so these things are sooo uncool!! Have any of you had to deal with this? While pregnant or not..I would LOVE some advice as th... [read more]

Asked by excitedmommy2be - May. 27, 2012 12:34am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Kidney stone advice??
I'm 28 weeks and this morning I woke up with terrible pain in my lower back and in the front too. Then there was blood when I wip... [read more]

Asked by a member - May. 25, 2012 10:28pm - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Are UTIs really common during pregnancy?
From everything that Ive heard I am assuming they are... Anyone know how common? Tomorrow is my very first prenatal exam with ... [read more]

Asked by Falliiing - May. 25, 2012 1:09am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Severe preeclampisa with last pregnancy and delivered at 32 weeks. Will I get it again?
My son was born at 32wks and we both almost died. Now I am pregnant again and I am so worried that I am going to get it again.. ha... [read more]

Asked by samantha1310 - May. 21, 2012 4:29am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Will everything be ok?
Im currently 4 weeks pregnant and I started feeling really run down and really crampy on friday, so went to doctors to see if ever... [read more]

Asked by a member - May. 20, 2012 9:29am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
pink discharge with stringy red cm 4/5 weeks pregnant, really worried please help! :'(
early hours of last night after making the mistake of eating a curry whilst being constipated, attempted to go to the toilet,(sorr... [read more]

Asked by mercedes1991 - May. 12, 2012 10:45am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Has anyone had problems with slow rising HCG levels? Please comment!!
Ok so sunday my levels were 500 and tuesday they were 574... Has anyone had slow rising levels and had a normal pregnancy?... [read more]

Asked by PatriciaC87 - May. 10, 2012 1:45am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Low Progesterone in Pregnancy
I have a history of miscarriages and this is due to low levels of progesterone. I currently have all the pregnancy symptoms but I'... [read more]

Asked by Anige1 - May. 8, 2012 8:13am - Category: Pregnancy Complications
Transvaginal during 21 week anatomy scan??
I have a question for ladies that have had anatomy scans done. I had mine on friday and the first twenty minutes were all done ove... [read more]

Asked by knicole27 - May. 7, 2012 10:01pm - Category: Pregnancy Complications