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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: When can you see the heartbeat?

I go on Monday for my first ultrasound for this pregnancy. I will be 6 weeks 2 days. I know alot of people are able to see the heartbeat at that point but is it normal also to not be able to see it yet and everything still be ok? My last pregnancy they only saw the sac at my 8 week ultrasound and I'm terrified that is what will happen this time as well. When was the first time you guys saw the heartbeat?

This question was asked Jun. 7, 2012 4:15pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by shawnabrown13 - Jun. 9, 2012 6:14am
I just had one today at 6 Wks 1 Day and the heart beat was 102 BPM from what ive read (because i was worried just like you) some times it may not show but most of the time it does

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Answered by danni179 - Jun. 7, 2012 6:39pm
I saw the heartbeat at 6w3d

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Answered by a member - Jun. 7, 2012 7:21pm
I measured exactly 6w2d @ my first ultrasound & they were able to see baby's heartbeat :) So it's not impossible this early to detect hb.

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Answered by agarcia - Jun. 10, 2012 4:14pm
I didn't get to see much of baby but I was 6w2d when I heard baby's heartbeat!

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Answered by tibby8 - Jun. 7, 2012 5:39pm
i was able to see the heartbeat at 6w5d but if u dont see it im sure its normal bc its still early. good luck and congrats!

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Answered by momtobe1992 - Jun. 7, 2012 6:13pm
And sorry, I ignored ur other question. It is completely normal not to see the heart beat around the time your indicating. I think you can really see the heart beat clearly at 7w. I'm 8w pregnant, and didn't see a clear picture of the heart beating. But I saw it on my 6w US.

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Answered by a member - Jun. 7, 2012 4:31pm
My OB didn't recommend doing the doppler to hear the heart beat until after 12 weeks as it sends of high pitched sounds. I had an U/S at 8 weeks and they just measured the baby and the EDC based on my LMP and based on that ultrasound were the same so they knew the baby was growing fine. I had my next ultrasound at almost 12 weeks at which point the U/S tech pointed out the heart beat and I was able to hear it also when they did the ultrasound. So I didn't hear it until almost 12 weeks.

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Answered by mrsfitzy - Jun. 7, 2012 11:29pm
Hi i had an early vaginal scan and got to see my jelly beans heartbeat at 5week 1day :)

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Jun. 7, 2012 10:00pm
i had just turned six weeks also :) most usually if u have a good u/s tech that normally does it they will see it :)

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Jun. 7, 2012 6:23pm
I saw the heartbeat at an emergency ultrasound at 6w2d :) Looked like a little flickering christmas light!!

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